Wegmans Cruelty, the Life of Egg-Laying Hens Inside a Battery Cage Facility
Wegmans Cruelty is a half-hour documentary produced by a small investigative team from the organization Compassionate Consumers. For the film, organization members contacted Wegmans Food Markets to try to hold some meaningful dialogue about the conditions at Wegmans Egg Farm, and were then misled and dismissed by Wegmans representatives. The team set out to capture actual footage inside the farm and create a film based on their experience.
The film features statements from Wegmans representatives, interviews with the investigators, and footage of what life and death is like inside of a battery cage facility. Approximately 98% of all eggs produced in the United States come from hens that are housed in battery cages. Often unknowingly, customers are supporting the practices of modern egg farming by purchasing eggs.
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc., is a 68-store supermarket chain with stores in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Virginia. The family-owned company, founded in 1916, is recognized as an industry leader and innovator.
More Information About Eggs
The Shocking Truth About Eggs: Top 7 Reasons to Stop Eating Them, by Plant Based News
You Will Never Eat Eggs Again After Reading This, by One Green Planet
There’s No Such Thing As Humane Meat or Eggs, Stop Kidding Yourself! by The Guardian
Which Eggs Are Truly Ethical to Eat? by Humane Facts/Well Fed World
What You Can Do
- Stop buying eggs! – Both battery-cage” and “humane” or “cage-free eggs” are deeply cruel and inhumane. There is virtually no difference between “humane” or “cage-free” and “battery caged” eggs — both macerate new-born male chicks, amputate hens’ beaks, force hens to live in overcrowded conditions causing severe stress and death, and slaughter them at 1-2 years old.
- Consider buying an egg substitute – like Tofu Scrambler instead of scrambled eggs or try an egg replacer in your baked goods. Here’s a list of egg replacers and substitutes.
- Tell your family and friends about the cruel, inhumane conditions and animal welfare problems that egg-laying hens are subjected to.
- Learn more about factory farms and industrial animal agriculture and why it’s such a significant threat to animal welfare, the environment, natural ecosystems, habitats and wildlife, and human health. And why they are profoundly cruel.
- Call your politicians and ask them to get involved and support laws that protect animals, and keep track of their voting record. Here’s more about how to work with your legislators on animal rights.
- Spread the word! Tell others about the plight of battery-caged egg-laying hens and factory farming. Share on social media and help get the word out. Ask them to go egg-free!
For more information about a hen’s life on industrial farms today see our page, the Life of Battery-Caged Egg-Laying Hens and here. See photos of typical facilities for egg-laying hens here.