Vegan, Vegetarian and Farm Animal Advocacy Organizations
Want to help reduce the suffering of farm animals? These organizations work to address the inhumane treatment of farm animals through providing resources, advice, recipes, newsletters, videos, and blogs. Many have community’s you can join. Several of these nonprofit organizations are actively seeking volunteer support and animal advocates willing to work on public education campaigns, demonstrations, public and corporate outreach, tabling and leafleting campaigns, and other forms of advocacy work to educate the general public about animal cruelty in agriculture, as well as to promote a vegan diet and lifestyle.
Vegan, Vegetarian and Farm Animal Advocacy Organizations
All Creatures
“Working for a peaceful world for humans, animals and the environment.” All Creatures is dedicated to cruelty-free living through a vegetarian/vegan diet and lifestyle based on Judeo-Christian ethics. See Action Alerts, animal rights activism, articles, discussion groups, events, links, newsletter sign-up, recipes, sermons and video library. There are many, many resources on this website.
Animal Outlook (Was Compassion Over Killing)
COK focuses on cruelty to animals in agriculture and promotes vegetarian eating as a way to build a kinder world for people and animals. COK has a team of dedicated volunteers and staff across the country engaging in promoting events to raise awareness about animal cruelty while also raising funds for their life-saving campaigns.
Christian Vegetarian Association
An international, non-denominational ministry of Christians who respectfully encourage healthy, God-honoring plant-based nutrition. The website offers a blog, discussion group, nutrition advice and tips, resources, simple meals and meal planning, weekly newsletters, a community, videos, a Compassionate Eating Guide to download, numerous articles and loads of recipes.
Compassion in World Farming (CIWF)
Compassion in World Farming is an international farm animal charity whose mission is to end factory farming and modern intensive industrial animal farming. CIWF conducts undercover investigations to expose farm cruelty; is active politically through lobbying and campaigning to outlaw cruel farm practices; and works with some of the world’s largest food companies, retailers, and manufacturers to bring about a more humane and ethical food supply and cruelty-free clothing products. Volunteers are needed.
Compassionate Spirit
“Simple living and veganism in a world of limits,” is Compassionate Spirit’s tagline. The focus of the website and blog is on promoting vegetarianism and veganism; simple living and non-violence; and understanding the limits to growth and ecological economics. There’s a blog available to subscribe to.
Dairy Education Board
NOTMilk is a website with enormous resources and information about the negative and harmful impacts of dairy milk on human health, dairy cows, the environment, and the marketing hoax that diary is good for humans. This is the anti-dairy movement. There a free NOTMilk newsletter and forum.
EarthSave International
“Healthy People, Healthy Planet.” EarthSave is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to educate and teach people how to make healthy food choices. EarthSave is guided by founder John Robbins’ philosophy: May all be fed, may all be healed, may all be loved. Their 30-day Meals for Health program helps low-income participants reduce their health care costs, and puts them on a path of wellness and recovery, using a low-fat plant-based diet. You can subscribe to their free e-News newsletter, plus there are numerous resources available on the website.
FARM (Farm Animal Reform Movement)
FARM is a national non-profit promoting a vegan lifestyle through public education and grassroots activism in order to end the use of animals for food. FARM has a Compassionate Activist Network (CAN), sponsors events across the U.S., offers year-round campaigns, provides leaflets and literature and conducts leafleting campaigns, and provides support for advocacy work.
FARM’s 10 Billion Lives
Sponsored by FARM (Farm Animal Reform Movement), this national tour is equipped with vehicles and viewing stations, and manned by grassroots activists across North America. See the year long schedule of visits to college campuses, large festivals, and other events for young people all across the U.S. Seeks volunteer activists.
Farm Sanctuary
Farm Sanctuary is a nonprofit with three farm animal sanctuaries in Watkins Glen, NY; Orland, CA; and Los Angeles, CA. Volunteers are needed to support the sanctuaries and to help with programs and activities outside the sanctuaries, including advocacy work, outreach tabling, and working events. Professional services may be needed and donated as well.
Humane Farming Association
HFA is dedicated to protecting farm animals from cruelty and abuse, protecting the environment from the negative impacts of factory farming, and protecting people’s health from the toxic chemicals, drugs and hormones routinely fed to farm animals today. HFA was highly effective with its signature campaign, the National Veal Boycott. Today, programs include anti-cruelty investigations and exposés, national media campaigns, direct hands-on emergency care and refuge for abused farm animals, legislation, and youth humane education. HFA emphasizes consumer awareness and consumer pressure for ending farm animal cruelty.
In Defense of Animals
Founded in 1983 by Dr. Elliot Katz DVM, In Defense of Animals is an international animal rights and rescue organization dedicated to protecting the rights, welfare and habitats of animals. IDA works to expose and end animal experimentation, protect wildlife and their habitats, end the exploitation and abuse of wild species living in captivity, protect domestic and wild species worldwide from abuse and slaughter for food, conduct cruelty investigations and rescue operations, and provide veterinary care for sick, abused and orphaned animals in sanctuaries. They depend on activists, volunteers and interns to support their work.
International Vegetarian Union
Their mission is to promote vegetarianism throughout the world. IVU is the promoter of all the world VegFest events; maintains world vegetarian and science news, recipes from all sections of the world, and maintains a history of vegan and vegetarianism. Lots of activity for activists.
Jewish Vegetarians of North America
Encourages and helps people of the Jewish faith to embrace a plant-based diet “as an expression of the Jewish values of compassion for animals, concern for health, and care for the environment.” Offers a wealth of vegan recipes, shopping lists, nutrition advice, as well as ways to promote a healthier, more compassionate Jewish community. Lots of ideas for advocacy!
Live Vegan
Invites people to build positive outreach by leafleting, food outreach, helping to expand vegan option in restaurants, stores and on campuses, helping build community and public speaking.
Mercy For Animals
Mercy For Animals a non-profit animal advocacy organization that believes non-human animals are irreplaceable individuals who have morally significant interests and hence rights, including the right to live free of unnecessary suffering. MFA is dedicated to promoting non-violence towards all sentient beings through public education campaigns and demonstrations, undercover investigations, legal advocacy, and corporate outreach. Join their growing network of compassionate volunteers across the U.S.!
PETA – People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals
PETA promotes a vegan lifestyle and offers websites specifically for kids, teens and older adults.
Shabkar.org is a non-sectarian website dedicated to vegetarianism as a way of life for Buddhists of all schools.
Society of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians (SERV)
An Interfaith peace effort pursuing plant-based, non-violent nutrition to achieve a more humane, just, peaceful and environmentally sustainable world. SERV encourages applying spiritual values to scientific knowledge by eating a plant-based, whole foods diet that provides maximum benefits for animals, humans and the environment. Essays, links and resources are available on the website.
The Vegetarian Resource Group (V.R.G.)
VRG is a non-profit organization working with mainstream businesses and organizations on educating the public on vegetarianism, health, nutrition, the environment, ethics and world hunger.
The Vegan Society
The Vegan Society is vegan advocacy group that also offers thousands of recipes, expert tips for a plant-based diet, resources on living a vegan lifestyle, local and group contacts in your local area, lots of downloadable resources, and many publications and videos.
United Poultry Concerns (UPC)
UPC “promotes the compassionate and respectful treatment of domestic fowl,” and operates a chicken rescue sanctuary in Virginia and educates people about the egg and chicken meat industries. You can sign up for Poultry Press newsletters, action alerts, see news releases, and have access to a wide range of resources and links for more information about chickens and other fowl.
Vegan Action
“A happier, healthier and cleaner world for all.” Vegan Action is a 501c3 nonprofit that is working to reduce animal suffering, improve human health, and minimize environmental impact. Vegan Action certifies vegan products with their logo, introduces humane organizations to veganism with their Humane Outreach Campaign, and manages the Share Vegan Campaign, bringing veganism to people across the U.S. The organization also has a foundation called the Vegan Action/Vegan Awareness Foundation.
Veg Fund
VegFund provides grants to vegan activists worldwide to support their outreach efforts. They fund programs all over the world that inspire people to go and stay vegan.
Vegan Outreach
Vegan Outreach (VO) was founded in 1993 to move society away from eating animals and their products. It is a 501c3 nonprofit organization working to end violence towards animals and expose the suffering of farmed animals through the widespread distribution of booklets promoting plant-based eating. Outreach volunteers distribute booklets through an Adopt a College program, and at concerts, festivals, and other events. VO has an extensive presence in Australia, Canada, and Mexico. They also have a Vegan Mentor Program and our Registered Dietitian who maintains VeganHealth.org and counsels’ people who have questions or issues.
A Well Fed World
A Well Fed World is both a food justice and animal protection organization addressing the suffering of people from hunger and the suffering of animals abused and used for food. They maintain impactful programs, promote innovative, effective projects, and advocate veganism and vegan community building. Through a partnership network to distribute vegan food to people in need, they build food gardens in low-income countries, and strengthen farm animal care and rescue.