Vegan 2020, Vegan Trends and the Rise of Veganism in 2020
Klause Mitchell, producer of Plant Based News on YouTube, documents the rise of veganism in 2020 and the trends that impact the increase in veganism during the year.
Film Length: 51.23 Minutes
Film Premier: December 2020
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Quotes from the Film
2020 was one of the worst fire seasons in Australia’s history. It was the worst for wildlife loss. Whole animal cultures were lost. And it wasn’t even their fire season. What is driving it?
Animal agriculture is the leading driver of climate change. It accounts for 14.5% of greenhouse gas emissions. It accounts for more GHG emissions than all the forms of transportation combined.
Meat, dairy, and eggs is the leading cause of species extinction, habitat destruction, and is one of the leading causes of carbon and greenhouse gas emissions.
The Australian wildfires were so unprecedented in scale, it begs the question – what can we do to minimize our impact on the planet?
Veganism is breaking growth and sales records all over the world. The plant-based movement gained enormous popularity in 2020.
There was growing evidence that Covid-19 was started in an animal wet-market. Coronavirus’s are all thought to be originally started in animals, particularly in bats, then in Covid-19 it moved to pangolins, then to people. Zoonotic diseases start when people are in very close contact with wildlife, wild animals, and domestic farm animals.
Scientists have been warning us for years that our treatment of animals has been leading us to an ever-growing number of outbreak pandemics. It’s a pandemic roulette.
The pandemic has exposed the dark underbelly of the meat and dairy industry, particularly slaughterhouses—and inside slaughterhouses. All slaughterhouses are hot-spots for Covid-19. Tens of thousands of slaughterhouse workers became infected with Covid-19 and over 200 died from the disease.
The outbreak put a whole new light on the meat industry—news exposed how millions of pigs were drowned and suffocated, and massive numbers of chickens were euthanized. The scale of suffering for the animals was magnified and visible to all.
Demand for meat and dairy declined for the first time in 40 years, in 2020. Covid-19 inspired more people to try a plant-based diet. 41% of Americans ate less meat in 2020.
We see the benefits to the Earth during Covid-19, with a decline in GHG and carbon dioxide, fewer cars on the road, wildlife had more space, everything was quieter and more peaceful. People were able to change their behavior.
If everyone just uses plants for their food, and medicine, their bodies will heal, the Earth will heal, and we will no longer have pandemics to worry about.
A plant-based diet is better for the environment, better for human health.
If I can make the ethical decision not to kill another creature for my food, then I’ll make that decision every single day, not harming animals.
Most of the viruses on the CDC’s watch list are from chickens on poultry farms. Is it really worth a chicken breast or a steak to have a global pandemic?
It is essential to eliminate meat to prevent future pandemics. The well-being of society and how we are treating animals, is finally being understood by many more people today.
65% of the global population is lactose-intolerant according to the National Institute of Health. Why on Earth does the USDA have a food category that makes half the world’s population and U.S. population sick? Sick from ingesting dairy products. And unable to breathe because of dairy products. Dairy products are entirely unnecessary and very unhealthy.
There is growing evidence of the link between dairy and chronic disease. A review of 47 studies, including one million participants, showed that men who ate dairy products where up to 65% more likely to get prostate cancer. Whereas those on a plant-based diet were 36% less likely.
Another study from 2020, showed that drinking one cup of dairy milk a day increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer by 50%. Drinking 2 cups of dairy milk increases a woman’s risk by 80%.
The NHS is collapsing under the burden of chronic diseases when it could all be prevented or treated through simple diet changes. Obesity, diabetes, heart-disease, hypertension – every single one can be prevented, stopped, and reversed with a healthy plant-based diet.
A plant-based diet brings in what a body needs – the right amount of fiber and vitamins, the right amount of protein, and necessary nutrients, and it skips what the body does not need – animal fat, animal cholesterol, and allogenic proteins.
The plant-based diet is the most effective approach for reducing your risk for ALL chronic diseases – cancer, cardiovascular disease, hyperthyroidism, Alzheimer’s; it’s almost a silver bullet, it is very, very effective.
Chinese researchers discovered a new strain of swine flu, the G4EA-H1N1. It has all the essential hallmarks to adapt to humans and could cause a pandemic.
The Spanish Flu of 1918 that originated from the avian family killed over 50 million people.
Farm animals are fed antibiotics over their entire lives, and 75% of all antibiotics created are fed to farm animals. Which means that when humans get sick, antibiotics will no longer work for them. They will no longer be effective for the people who eat animals.
Many outbreaks breaking out — start in Asia, which is known for horrible animal cruelty as well.
We are reaching a tipping point in raising too many animals in the world. Suppliers are breaking under the pressure.
Many meat companies are now creating vegan and plant-based alternative products.
KFC introduced a new vegan chicken burger in 2020.
A research study out of Stanford University, shows that switching from an animal diet to a plant-based diet has numerous health benefits, including lowering cholesterol, to improved cardiovascular health risk factors.
With the launch of The Game Changers film, a number of star athletes in 2020 ditched meat and animal products, including: Samuel Umtiti (Soccer), Novak Djokovic (Tennis), Rashad Evans (MMA Athlete), and more.
In 2020, a study was conducted on diabetic patients. 84% of diabetics normalized their blood glucose when following a plant-based diet.
It’s no wonder disease is spreading in humans, look at the conditions we put animals in—gross overcrowding, disease in animals, use of antibiotics, filth and bacteria in slaughterhouses.
Wildlife populations are in free-fall all over the world – Mammals, fish, birds have all plunged 68 percent in recent years. We humans are responsible for the biodiversity loss occurring around the world.
The plant-based diet is the most sustainable diet humans can eat by far.
Fur, skins, exotic skins are being replaced with animal alternative products, and an increasing number of fashion designer giants are banning the use of fur, skins, exotic skins, and alpaca hair.
Mink turned out to be highly susceptible to spreading Covid-19 to humans. More than 15 million minks were culled and killed as a result in 2020.
In 2020, we learned how fragile we are, how fragile life is, how fragile the world is, how fragile like as we know it is.
People are finally starting to join the dots between animal agriculture, and the floods we are seeing in the UK, Florida and Bangladesh; and the raging bush fires in Australia and massive number of wild fires in California.
The way we are exploiting animals and farming animals, we are going to destroy our world and ourselves.
If a pandemic infection from one of these factory farms or meat markets, turns into a pandemic in 5, 10 or 15 years, how can we justify eating animal products at all?
Making peace with nature is the defining act of the 20th century for humans. It must be the top, top priority for everyone, everywhere.
2020 showed that the vegan lifestyle and diet is no longer a fringe movement.
Film Credits
Directed and Scripted by: Klaus Mitchell
Executive Producer: Shelly Fitzpatrick
This Film is sponsored by abillion – where you can find recommendations and review vegan-friendly restaurants near you, food products and cruelty-free beauty items: