The Game Changers
The Game Changers is an eye-opening feature documentary that introduces the world to elite athletes, special ops soldiers, visionary scientists, cultural icons, and everyday heroes—each on a mission to share their truth about living on a plant-based diet and how it has changed their life and success.
World UFC fighting champion and record holder, James Wilks, travels the world on a quest for the truth about meat, protein and strength. Following an injury, Wilks began researching nutrition and diet. He interviews the world’s strongest, fastest, toughest and most accomplished and renowned athletes on the planet, including the strongest man in the world, to see how changing from an animal-based diet to a vegan plant-based diet has impacted their athletic performance, success and life. Wilks’ journey exposes outdated myths and fallacies about food that not only affect human performance, but the health of the entire global population. He interviews leading medical doctors, nutritionists and scientists that are doing groundbreaking work, all who prove that everything he’d been taught about protein and animal food–was a lie.
The film is executive produced by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jackie Chan.
Film Length: 1 hour, 25 minutes
Film Premier: 2018
Some Vegan World Class Athletes
- Murray Rose, won Four Gold Medals from 1956-1960
- Edwin Moses, won Two Gold medals from 1976 – 1984
- Carl Lewis, Runner, won Nine Gold Medal, from 1984 – 1996, I changed my diet to a vegan diet and set all my records My energy levels increased incredibly when I became vegan.
- Morgan Mitchell, two-time world champion, 2016 summer Olympics
- Patrik Baboumian, Strongest Man in the World, world record holder for lifting the heaviest weight, heavyweight log lift, powerlift, bench press, deadlift world title-holder
- Dotsie Bausch, Distance Cyclist, after going vegan, she increased her weight lifting and speed in cycling. 8 time USA National Cycling Champion and 2 time Pan-American cycling champion. Training 6 days a week, 5 hours a day, up and down mountains.
- Scott Jurek, Ultramarathon Runner, 7-time winner of Western States 100-mile endurance run; winner of over 24 ultramarathons from 77km to 246km, American record holder for 24-hour run, record for running the 2,189 Appalachian Mountain Trail – and more
- Venus Williams, Tennis Player, multiple Grand Slam winner, 5 Wimbledon titles and 4 Olympic golds
- Nate Diaz, UFC Fighter
- Heather Mills, Downhill Skiing Champion
- Kendrick Farris, Weightlifter, American Olympic weightlifter
- Lewis Hamilton, Formula 1 Driver – Four-time Formula 1 world champion
- Bryant Jennings, Boxing Heavyweight Title Contender – one of the greatest boxing champions of all time
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- What About Protein?
- Core Principles of the film
- Making Changing to a Plant-Based Diet, Easy
- The Bigger Picture, Why Adopt a Plant-Based Diet
Quotes from the Film
The average plant-eater not only gets enough protein, but gets 70% more than they need.
Plants have 64 times the antioxidants as animal meats and food.
Iceberg lettuce has more antioxidants than salmon and eggs.
Eating the right foods accelerates the healing process.
The only diet that has ever been shown to reverse heart disease – is a plant-based diet.
Carnivores have distinctive teeth, like scissors that are sharp for tearing flesh, but humans have flat, square and short teeth for eating plants. This is the most obvious evidence that humans are herbivores. Our bodies are not built for consuming animal flesh.
We’re going to do a whole lot better just eliminating all animal foods. All inflammatory compounds in animal foods contribute to heart disease.
In all of Western civilization there is nothing more common than coronary heart disease and strokes—all based on the foods that most people eat.
Heme iron comes from animals, that is the iron found in animal meat, just 1 mg a day of heme iron is associated with a 27% increase risk of coronary heart disease.
When protein from animals is cooked and ingested, it causes inflammation.
When I went from an animal-based diet to a plant-based diet my blood pressure went down to 110, my heart rate went down to 47 beats per minute.
I love plants much more than meat now (Arnold Schwarzenegger); my cholesterol went down to 109, the lowest ever in my entire life at 69 years old.
It’s not just red meat, it’s not just chicken, eggs, milk — it is the ingestion of any animal protein. When it is cooked, preserved or ingested, highly inflammatory compounds are formed causing heart disease. This explains why people who live on a plant-based diet, reduce their risk of heart disease by 55 percent.
Which is better? Plant-based or animal protein? In animal products you are getting inflammatory molecules. When we consume it, we consume bacterial inflammation. A single hamburger can increase inflammation by 70 percent. In plant-based protein you are getting antioxidants to optimize your body’s performance.
For example one cup of cooked lentils or a peanut butter sandwich is the equivalent to three large eggs or eating 3 ounces of meat.
One of the biggest misconceptions in sports is that you need animal protein to get big and strong and perform at a high level. But all the protein you get from animals, came from the plants that the cow ate.
It’s a fallacy that you don’t get enough essential amino acids with plants – plant-based proteins are complete in themselves, they all have the essential amino acids. As long as the proper amount of amino acids is consumed, the source is irrelevant.
With a plant-based diet I was recovering so much better, I wasn’t as sore, I was less swollen, my blood cholesterol and blood pressure was down, inflammation in my blood was down. (Derrick Morgan, NFL)
Kendrick Farris – World Champion Weight Lifter – switched to a plant-based diet and broke two U.S. records, and won two Pan-American Games.
Patrick Baboumian – One of the strongest men in the world. Eats only plants. Is totally vegan. He stopped eating meat in 2005. When he stopped eating meat, he set multiple world records for the first time. He lifts 700 pounds for warm-up weight. He has lifted the heaviest weight of any human being in the world.
Dr. Robert Vogel – What you eat immediately before an athletic endeavor is critical – we fed three different proteins before a performance, including beans, chicken and beef – the meat eaters had the worst, cloudiest blood from animal-based impact. The vegan the most open, widest blood flow.
People who eat a diet high in animal protein, have a 75% higher increased risk of death from all causes and a 400-500% increased risk of death from cancers, diabetes, and heart disease.
Cancer is linked to animal foods, eating chicken or white meat 2-3 times a week will triple your risk of cancer over time.
How can meat be so bad for us, when our ancestors ate it? Early humans ate mostly plants, not meat. In fact, extremely little meat. Almost all plants. Our brains are dependent upon glucose, that is food for our brain, and it comes from carbohydrates.
B12 – comes from soil. Farm animals are given B12 supplements. The best way for humans to get B12 is through taking supplements.
I lived in that world, they show those commercials “Eat like a man,” this is marketing by the meat industry. It’s not based on reality at all. (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
Scientific studies are showing the more meat men eat, the more they lose their fertility and sexual prowess. Author, Aaron Spitz, M.D. who wrote “The Penis Book,” studied the effect of a meat dinner versus vegan dinner. The meat meals produced a significantly lower results in men than a vegan meal.
Testosterone – Numerous studies that have been conducted show no difference in testosterone in men who eat either a plant-based or meat diet. The results for testosterone are the same. However, estrogen levels in women and men are heavily increased by drinking cow’s milk and eating dairy products, which causes cancer in men and women.
Those in low carb eating groups have lost muscle mass in studies, versus those who eat high carbs who show an increase in muscle mass.
Six months into my new diet (vegan), my strength, endurance, and recovery were better than ever. Even my wife and kids were on board. But I was also pissed off, why didn’t everyone know about this?
The perception from players was the protein and animal meat they ate was thought to sustain their energy, but that’s not true – energy comes from carbohydrates not protein. When we sacrifice carbohydrate calories for protein calories, it leads to chronic glycogen depletion that is stored in muscles that leads to chronic fatigue. (Dr. James Loomis, team physician part of two championships)
The meat and dairy industry are trying to cause just enough doubt and confusion, by using their own industry researchers, exactly like the tobacco industry did with cigarettes. The tobacco industry used famous athletes to sell their lies and fallacies.
With overwhelming scientific evidence connecting animal foods to the many of the most deadly common diseases, we found that the meat, dairy and egg industries engaged in a covert response funding studies that denied the medical evidence that animal foods cause chronic disease and premature death.
One of the hired guns to conduct these studies is “Exponent, Inc.” a company whose research was used by the tobacco industry. They challenge the health risks proven by science and medicine. Despite the appearance in the media of confusion, there is a massive amount of research evidence that proves a plant-based diet is far healthier, and an animal-based diet causes disease.
My flexible morality wasn’t working – that I spent my day job protecting animals, then I would go home and eat other animals. It was a total contradiction and I stopped. The biggest threat we have today is the meat industry, and the land the meat industry is taking away from our planet to raise cows and livestock all over the world. It is destroying species, wildlife and animals, wildlife habitat, the land. It is so destructive to the planet. Growing animal feed requires vast amounts of land too.
Animal feed is causing horrific loss of land, rivers, water, forests, rainforests and is destroying our biodiversity and species.
Film Credits
- Director: Louie Psihoyos
- Executive Producers: James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan and more
- Producers: James Wilks, Joseph Pace and more
- Screenplay: Joseph Pace, Mark Monroe
- Co-Writer: Shannon Kornelsen
- Line Producer: Brook Holston
Some of the Cast (in order of appearance)
- James Wilks – Narrator
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Patrik Baboumain
- Dotsie Bausch
- Tia Blanco
- Nimai Delgado
- Rip Esselstyn
- Kendrick Farris
- Mischa Janiec
- Bryant Jennings
- Scott Jurek
- Damien Mander
- Morgan Mitchell
- Lucious Smith
- Griff Whalen
- And more …