The Animal Holocaust; Art Exhibition by Jo Frederiks, Featuring a Powerful Speech by Philip Wollen
“There are only (7) billion human beings on the planet, yet we kill and torture (2) billion sentient, living, loving animals every single week. That’s (2) billion animals a week! And we stab and suffocate (1) billion ocean animals every three hours.”
“If you want to serve your age — betray it. But what does it mean? It means, expose its lies, humiliate its conceits, debunk its arrogance, demolish its certainties, expose its secrets – and condemn them to face harsher truths.” And this is what each of us must do for animals – stop eating and killing animals, and expose the biggest social justice issue of our time – animal rights
The honest wisdom of Philip Wollen combined with the truthful, powerful art of Jo Frederik inspire us to change our lives to embrace a more moral, ethical way of life that does not involve hurting or harming animals in any of our decisions. Frederik’s art raises awareness of nonhuman animal suffering and misery at our own hands, and Philip Wollen, begs us to stop our indifference toward the pain and suffering we are causing animals and change our ways. At the end of his 20-minute talk, he asks, “I hope you will do something tangible in the future, to change the way we live. Are we to live forever in a sick, smug, cruel past? Let’s not relive history, let’s make history. That is what leaders do, they make history. If not now, when?”
Published: Oct 5, 2014
Video Length: 20 minutes
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Interview with Jo Frederik on Vegan Origo
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Quotes from the Video
“When we kill them, we kill ourselves.”
“We have done this to the animals.”
“Kill nothing but time.”
“Great art exposes the truth. The litany of lies continues today – the world cries out for leadership and the truth. Tonight I will tell you the truth, even when it hurts.”
“When we suffer, we suffer as equals.”
“In their capacity to suffer—a dog is a pig is a bear is a boy.”
“There are only (7) Billion human beings on the planet, yet we kill and torture (2) billion sentient, living, loving animals every single week. That’s (2) Billion animals a week! And we stab and suffocate (1) Billion ocean animals every three hours.”
“The oceans are dying in our time, by 2048 all of our ocean fisheries will be dead. The lungs and the arteries of the Earth — oceans sequester more CO2 than all the forests of the world combined.”
“10,000 entire species are wiped out every year – because of the actions of one species: Human beings. It’s a crime of unimaginable proportions.”
Edmund Burke said, “all it takes for evil to prevail, is for people to DO NOTHING.”
“Stop. Eating. Animals. Animal rights is the greatest social justice issue since the abolition of slavery.”
“It is not just about animal rights, it’s about human wrongs.”
“AHIMSA—Non-violence to any living being. It means non-violence in what we say, what we do, what we think. It says we oppose violence in everything we do.”
“Violence should NEVER be the answer, it should not even be a bloody question.”
“A caged bird is the proof of the moral bankruptcy of its Jailer.”
“Thou shalt not kill applies to the murder of any human being.”
“A man is ethical, only – only when all life is sacred to him.” ~ Albert Schweitzer
“Whatever you do to these the least of my brethren, you do it to me.” ~ Jesus
“There is unimaginable terror in those ghastly gulags – those Guantanamo’s we call factory farms.”
“For the animals, the Holocaust never ended.”
“King Lear asks the blind Earl of Gloucester asks, How do you see the world? The blind man replies, ‘I see it feelingly.”
“The average person is responsible for killing over 4,000 animals in their lifetime.”
“If you want to serve your age—betray it. But what does it mean? It means, expose its lies, humiliate its conceits, debunk its arrogance, demolish its certainties, expose its secrets – and condemn them to face harsher truths.”
Video Credits
Artist – Jo Frederik
Speaker – Philip Wollen