Stop Chemical Testing on Animals Infographic

Why to stop chemical testing on animals today? Millions of laboratory animals are used worldwide in tests to assess the safety of chemicals in products today. Most are for plastics and related polymers, while a smaller proportion include cleansers, paints, adhesives, lubricants, industrial solvents and a variety of short-lived by-products. There are ethical, legal, scientific, economic and practical advantages to replacing animals with alternative testing methods.
Alternative test methods can include using human-based cells, computer-based methods and simulation, invertebrates and micro-organisms, using human volunteers and animal tissue in some cases. Many animal safety tests are very poor at predicting exactly what a chemical will actually do to people, so many laboratory tests have been found to be highly unreliable, not to mention that they are extremely painful and inhumane to the animal.
Infographic courtesy of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM).