Plant-Based Vegan and Vegetarian Diet and Health Resources
Find the best vegan, ethical products in food, lifestyle, clothing, supplements and accessories. This site has done the research for the best vegan items available online and is constantly adding new reviews and finding new products to add to this site.
The following websites provide a wealth of information and resources for plant-based vegan and vegetarian health and living.
All Creatures
All Creatures is working for a “peaceful world for humans, animals and the environment.” They are dedicated to cruelty-free living through a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle according to Judeo-Christian ethics. The website is a virtual library of information and resources including numerous articles, videos, sermons, recipes, a discussion group, campaigns, quotations, poetry, links, newsletter, a kid’s corner, list of events, health tips, and a great blog.
Ardent Vegan
The Ardent Vegan helps vegans and wanna-be vegans sort through the best vegan products and services available, based on extensive research. The website provides vegan, cruelty-free and environmentally sustainable recommendations for everything from bath and body to food and drink to clothing products.
Bite Size Vegan
Bite Size Vegan is an ever-expanding video-based free educational resource for information on all aspects of veganism. From thoroughly researched academic reports, to engaging videos for kids, to moving mini-documentary style videos, Bite Size Vegan provides a wide range of educational approaches for diverse learning styles.
Choose VEG
A guide to vegan/vegetarian cooking and eating by Mercy For Animals. Offers numerous meat-free recipes, 7-day meal plans, easy meal ideas, shopping guides, ways to transition to a plant-based diet, health tips for specialty diets, how and why to go vegan, weekly blogs, and a free Vegetarian Starter Guide.
Christian Vegetarian Association
An international, non-denomination ministry of Christians who respectfully encourage healthy, God-honoring plant-based nutrition. The website offers a blog, discussion group, nutrition advice and tips, resources, simple meals and meal planning, a weekly newsletter, videos, community, numerous articles, loads of recipes, and a free Compassionate Eating Guide.
Dianne’s Vegan Kitchen!
Great website for vegan recipes, all the reasons to go vegan, tips on transitioning to a vegan lifestyle, great books to read, and vegan health and lifestyle coaching. Dianne is a Plant-Based Diet Nutrition Specialist and Plant-Based Chef, and offers group and individual nutrition and lifestyle coaching programs to people across the U.S.
Dr. Neal Barnard, M.D.
Dr. Neal Barnard is the founder and president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), is a clinical researcher, author, vegan, and one of America’s leading advocates for a plant-based diet for optimal health, good nutrition, and higher ethical standards in research. His clinical research is published in many peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals.
Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D
Dr. T. Colin Campbell is Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University and co-author of The China Study, the most comprehensive study of health and nutrition ever conducted. For 40 years, he has been at the forefront of significant nutrition research. The website provides numerous plant-based recipes; articles on health, diet and disease; education courses; a plant-based nutrition certificate program; newsletter, books and videos.
Dr. Esselstyn’s Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease Program
Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. M.D., director of the cardiovascular prevention and reversal program at The Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, has followed a plant-based diet for more than 26 years. He has over 150 scientific publications, won numerous awards, and published several books. The site offers news, articles, videos, success stories, presentations, FAQs, and free email updates.
Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D., is a physician, best-selling author, nutritional researcher and renowned speaker, specializing in nutritional medicine and preventing and reversing disease. The website provides the Ask the Doctor Forum, Online Library with articles, numerous healthy recipes, weekly newsletter, cooking bulletins, Q&A, FAQs, Twitter Chats, how to lose weight and how to reverse disease.
Dr. Michael Klaper, M.D.
Dr. Michael Klaper, M.D., is a vegan medical doctor, internationally recognized teacher, and renowned speaker on diet and health. A medical doctor for over 40 years, he advocates for a whole foods, plant-based diet. The website offers free monthly webinar series entitled “Healthy You,” News Bites, DVDs, Videos On Demand, Free Videos, Q&A section and more.
Dr. Doug Lisle, Ph.D.
Dr. Doug Lisle is the Director of Research for the TrueNorth Health Center, coauthor of the book The Pleasure Trap, and has published numerous scientific articles. TrueNorth is a health and learning center with a wide range of educational tools for a healthier, happier life.
Dr. John McDougall, M.D.
Dr. John McDougall, M.D., is a physician and nutrition expert who teaches better health through a vegetarian diet. He has been studying, writing, and speaking about the effects of nutrition on disease for over 30 years. He’s the founder and director of the nationally renowned McDougall Program. The website provides health and nutrition education, success stories, recipes, videos, newsletters and podcasts on a vegan/vegetarian diet and maintaining good health.
EarthSave – Health People. Healthy Planet.
EarthSave is a non-profit organization with the mission to help people make good food choices that promote health, reduce health care costs, and provide greater health independence through a plant-based diet. The website offers an E-News newsletter, many resources on health, food and the environment, and a vegan lifestyle.
Eugene Veg Education Network (EVEN)
The Eugene Veg Education Network (EVEN) is a 501c(3) non-profit vegan education and outreach group. It serves as a resource for people seeing information on a healthy vegan lifestyle.
Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM)
FARM is a national non-profit promoting a vegan lifestyle through public education and grassroots activism in order to end the use and abuse of animals for food. FARM offers lots of information on a vegan/vegetarian diet and a plant-based diet’s impact on health, disease, animals, world hunger, and the environment.
Guide to How To Go Vegan (PETA)
PETA’s guide for how to go vegan, including: What To Buy, What To Make, Where To Eat, Tips for Eating Out, and daily inspiration.
Happy Cow
Happy Cow is a vegan and vegetarian online service full of helpful, informative resources including: a searchable worldwide vegetarian/vegan dining guide of restaurants, directory of natural food and retail stores, boundless vegan recipes, numerous restaurant reviews, a public forum, a blog, and online newsletter.
Joyful Vegan
Colleen Patrick-Goudreau is a vegan powerhouse, prolific author, inspiring speaker and educator, with a website chock-full of blogs, videos, podcasts and articles on vegan eating, nutrition, and health. Her mission is to inspire people “to live according to their own values of compassion and wellness, to change how we regard and treat animals, and to debunk myths about veganism.” She offers a 30-Day Vegan Challenge to get you started!
Kaiser Permanente
Kaiser Permanente’s Plant-Based Diet booklet in a downloadable PDF format.
Kaiser’s plant-based eating guide.
Lean and Green Kids – Healthy Kids. Happy Planet
This website offers information about the importance of choosing plant-based vegetarian meals for kids, and the effects of those choices on the world climate, pollution reduction, and overall health. LGK offers nutrition education programs, videos, interactive presentations, resources and materials to empower elementary school, middle school and high school-age kids to “eat lean and green.” Lots of healthy recipes are available that kids like, along with school lunch ideas and menu plans. The advocacy arm offers ways for kids to get involved in educational campaigns and programs that promote healthier plant-based eating, both in the local community as well as nationally.
Live Vegan
Live Vegan is a program of the national non-profit FARM (Farm Animal Rights Movement). Live Vegan provides loads of helpful resources on healthy eating, living vegan, how to go vegan, and why vegan. Live Vegan invites people to build positive outreach and get involved in leafleting campaigns, food outreach efforts, helping to expand vegan option in restaurants, retail stores and on college campuses, helping build community and public speaking opportunities.
Main Street Vegan
Best-selling author of 12 books, Victoria Moran is a powerful force for a plant-based vegan diet and healthy, compassionate living. She’s been a vegan for over 31 years, and her website and resources provide everything you need to know about eating a healthy vegan diet and “living compassionately in the world.”
National Health Association
Promotes the benefits of a whole food, plant-based diet.
North American Vegetarian Society
Promotes the benefits of a vegetarian diet for humans, animals, the environment, and the planet. Offers a support network for vegetarians.
Jeff Novick, MS, RD, LD, LN
Jeff Novick is the Vice President of Health Promotion for Executive Health Exams International and lectures at the McDougall Program in Santa Rosa, California, and at the Engine 2 Immersion program in Austin, TX. He is also the Director of Nutrition for the Meals for Health community project, which is helping empower low-income families to achieve optimal health. Jeff has also worked closely with Whole Foods Market in assisting them with the development of their Wellness Club program, their healthy eating initiatives, and their food rating system. The website features The Simply Sane Blog, numerous articles, Q&As, DVDs, professional mentoring, personal nutrition and health counseling, a discussion board and archives, and a great resource list.
Nutrition Facts
Dr. Michael Greger, MD, FACLM, author and speaker, scours the world’s nutrition research to bring you free daily videos and articles. This website is strictly a non-commercial, science-based public service provided by Michael Greger, MD, and provides free updates on the latest in nutrition research via bite-sized videos and articles published daily.
Our Hen House
A 501c(3) nonprofit that produces multimedia resources to create a better world for animals and human health. The website provides daily updates on what you need to know to create change, with videos, audios, interviews, reviews and articles about living a compassionate vegan lifestyle.
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
PCRM promotes health-based preventative medicine with a whole food, plant-based vegan diet. Offers vegan recipes and support. Advocates for more ethical alternatives to animal testing that are proven to be more efficacious.
Post Punk Kitchen
A website by Isa Chandra Moskowitz, all about vegan baking and cooking. Isa has been a long-time vegan and has time-tested scores of great vegan recipes. Site also has a community forum, email newsletter, and a blog.
John Robbins & The Food Revolution
John Robbins is a best-selling author (The Food Revolution, Diet For A New America, Healthy at 100), social activist, humanitarian, and the recipient of numerous achievement and humanitarian awards. He has devoted his life to creating and promoting a kinder, healthier and more sustainable world. His website has his blog, a resource center, radio and podcasts, scores of videos, event listings, tools, and “insights and inspirations” from John Robbins and the Food Revolution Network he co-founded. Ocean, his son, is the founder of Yes! The organization and magazine, is a popular author and speaker, and has also received numerous awards for his work on health and sustainability.
The Kind Life
Actress Alicia Silverstone’s website is an interactive extension of her book, The Kind Diet, about living your healthiest and happiest life to the fullest. The site shares loads of vegan recipes, vegan fashion and beauty tips, and simple ways to help the planet.
The Plant-Based Dietitian
Julieanna Hever, MS, RD, CPT is the author of the best-selling book, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition and the new The Vegiterranean Diet, is also the television host of What Would Julieanna Do? She offers private consultations, meal planning, has a newsletter and a great blog.
The Savvy Vegetarian
The Savvy Vegetarian provides easy, healthy vegan and vegetarian recipes, cooking, advice, articles, and a blog. A great website if you’re thinking about going Veg or already are. Plus the site offers lots of helpful tips and information.
The Vegan Coach
Patty “Sassy” Knutson’s website is about helping people make easy, healthy, nutritious vegan meals. She teaches the fundamentals of cooking plant-based foods, offers a vegan cooking guide, vegan cooking tutorial, helpful guides on cooking grains, beans, vegetables, tofu, seitan and tempeh, and everyday cooking tutorials.
The Vegan Forum
A message board for vegans, and non-vegans can search the archived Going Vegan area for questions and helpful information.
The Vegan RD
Ginny Kisch Messina, MPH, RD, is a nutrition instructor providing vegan nutrition resources, tools and information about adopting a healthy vegan diet, a blog, books, and presentations for health professionals and the public.
The Vegan Society
The website offers thousands of recipes, expert tips for a plant-based diet, resources on living a vegan lifestyle, local and group contacts in your local area, lots of downloadable resources, publications and videos. The Vegan Society is also a strong advocacy group.
The Vegan Society (UK)
The Vegan Society is vegan advocacy group and also offers thousands of recipes, expert tips for a plant-based diet, resources on living a vegan lifestyle, local and group contacts in your local area, lots of downloadable resources, publications and videos.
The Vegetarian Resource Group
The website has an online vegetarian journal, VRG blog, email newsletter, articles, books, events throughout the country, guides, recipes, business and restaurant listings, and lots more vegan/vegetarian resources.
Thrive Cuisine
Thrive Cuisine’s mission is to make veganism and plant-based cuisine easy to understand, delicious, and accessible. Their resources are some of the best – great vegan food and drink recipes, the best kitchen gear to cook and prepare food, and well-researched articles all about plant-based meals. Here is their comprehensive vegan grocery list with helpful tips!
Try Veg
Why Veg? How Veg? Try Veg! – This website has a free Starter Guide, quick meal ideas, shopping ideas, FAQs, recipes, lots of free literature and an email newsletter. You can also get a free Easy Vegan Recipes Booklet in both English and Spanish (more languages to come!).
Vegan Australia
Vegan Australia provides rich resources for new vegans and old vegans alike. The website has sections on how to live vegan and how to get started. Vegan Australia carries out research in a number of areas, including the most effective ways to promote veganism, how to counter the marketing techniques of the animal industries, and the impacts of a vegan agricultural system. A newsletter is available, plus vegan news and events.
Vegan Cookbook
Vegan Cookbook is a vegan blog/website that helps vegans live a healthy, happy vegan lifestyle. Launched by Ashley Woodward in 2017, a mother of two children and certified nutritionist and fitness coach for celebrities, as a way to share her passion about veganism. The website shares creative new recipes, personal stories, and helpful tips that support vegan healthy living.
Vegan Dad
In this wonderful blog site, this UK dad discusses vegan issues with great humor and the aim of helping people to either become vegan or stay vegan. By writing with humor, he puts a spin on a serious issue and makes for pleasurable reading.
Vegan Linked
This worldwide directory offers local vegan services, businesses and resources around your local area. Vegan services and products can advertise on the directory.
Vegan Outreach
Vegan Outreach promotes the philosophy of animal sentience and human living so as to contribute to as little animal suffering, cruelty and death as possible, and to that end—volunteer outreach activists hand out vegetarian/vegan booklets directly to the public, everyday, in cities across the country. VO depends on volunteer activists to promote veganism. They also have a Vegan Mentor Program supported by volunteers who follow up with people who order their Guide to Cruelty-Free Eating each month.
Vegan Product Finda – Best Vegan Products Online
Find the best vegan products online in clothing, accessories, food, lifestyle and supplements. This site has done the research and cut out the hard work, plus they are adding new products and product reviews all the time.
Launched in the UK in 2014, Veganuary is a global campaign that encourages people to try being vegan for the month of January. It’s the largest website of its kind on the web, with expert advice and information, and has all the answers on Why Go Vegan and How To Go Vegan. Translated into many languages. Get their Vegan Starter Kit, Eating Out Guide, Product Directory, News and Blog, and meet all kinds of vegans from all walks of life!
Vegetarian Nutrition
Provides tools from evidence-based research to plan all types of vegetarian meals. Promoting health and well-being based on the latest research with lots of plant-based recipes from the kitchens of Registered Dietitians.
Veg Kitchen
Easy vegan recipes, recipes for kids and teenagers, recipe books, everything about nutrition, a weekly newsletter, and tips for a healthy, plant-based lifestyle.
The first major vegan lifestyle magazine. Provides meat-free news, and sections on food, travel, politics and “buzz.” Produces the latest vegan news, interesting interviews, travel features, health and nutrition articles, celebrity buzz, great vegan recipes, hottest Veg products, practical advice, VegNews newsletter, and VegNews TV on YouTube.
Veg Source
Comprehensive website with 1000s of vegetarian and vegan recipes, a discussion board, medical doctors, experts, nutritionists, authors, articles, videos, celebrity testimonials, a resource store, and a community of people sharing information on diet and health.
This great, informative and helpful website is a project of Farm Sanctuary, and offers bountiful tips, recipes and tools for meat-free, plant-based meals.
Dr. Andrew Weil
Dr. Weil’s website is a great resource for natural health and wellness. Dr. Weil advocates for a mostly plant-based diet with minimal seafood and dairy. The website has a health center, loads of recipes, videos, an online magazine, health center that addresses specific health concerns, a Head to Toe Wellness Guide, his anti-inflammatory diet, and Ask Dr. Weil with Q&A.
Vegan Advocacy Organizations
Want to become involved in promoting a vegan diet that will reduce the suffering of animals and make a positive impact on the environment? Here are some organizations that are looking for support and volunteer activists.
10 Billion Lives
Sponsored by FARM (Farm Animal Rights Movement), this national tour is equipped with vehicles and viewing stations, and manned by grassroots activists across North America. See the year long schedule of visits to college campuses, large festivals, and other events for young people all across the U.S. Seeks volunteer activists.
Animal Outlook (Was Compassion Over Killing)
Animal Outlook focuses on cruelty to animals in agriculture and promotes vegetarian eating as a way to build a kinder world for people and animals. Has a team of dedicated volunteers and staff across the country engaging in active events to raise awareness about animal cruelty while also raising funds for their life-saving campaigns!
FARM (Farm Animal Rights Movement)
FARM is a national non-profit promoting a vegan lifestyle through public education and grassroots activism in order to end the use of animals for food. FARM has a Compassionate Activist Network (CAN), sponsors events across the U.S., offers year-round campaigns, provides leaflets and literature and leafleting campaigns, and provides support for advocacy work.
International Vegetarian Union
Their mission is to promote vegetarianism throughout the world. IVU is the promoter of all the world VegFest events; maintains world vegetarian and science news, recipes from all sections of the world, and maintains a history of vegan and vegetarianism. Lots of activity for activists.
Jewish Vegetarians of North America
Encourages and helps people of the Jewish faith to embrace a plant-based diet “as an expression of the Jewish values of compassion for animals, concern for health, and care for the environment.” Offers a wealth of vegan recipes, shopping lists, nutrition advice, as well as ways to promote a healthier, more compassionate Jewish community. Lots of ideas for advocacy!
Live Vegan
Invites people to build positive outreach by leafleting, food outreach, helping to expand vegan option in restaurants, stores and on campuses, helping build community and public speaking.
PETA – People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals
PETA promotes a vegan lifestyle and offers websites specifically for kids, teens and older adults.
- PETA Kids – petakids.com
- PETA 2 for Teens – peta2.com
Shabkar.org is a non-sectarian website dedicated to vegetarianism as a way of life for Buddhists of all schools.
The Vegetarian Resource Group (V.R.G.)
VRG is a non-profit organization working with mainstream businesses and organizations on educating the public on vegetarianism, health, nutrition, the environment, ethics and world hunger.
The Vegan Society
The Vegan Society is vegan advocacy group that also offers thousands of recipes, expert tips for a plant-based diet, resources on living a vegan lifestyle, local and group contacts in your local area, lots of downloadable resources, and many publications and videos.
Vegan Outreach
Vegan Outreach (VO) was founded in 1993 to move society away from eating animals and their products. It is a 501c3 nonprofit organization working to end violence towards animals and expose the suffering of farmed animals through the widespread distribution of booklets promoting plant-based eating. Outreach volunteers distribute booklets through an Adopt a College program, and at concerts, festivals, and other events. VO has an extensive presence in Australia, Canada, and Mexico. They also have a Vegan Mentor Program and our Registered Dietitian who maintains VeganHealth.org and counsels people who have questions or issues.
Veg Fund
VegFund provides grants to vegan activists worldwide to support their outreach efforts. They fund programs all over the world that inspire people to go and stay vegan.
A Well Fed World
A Well Fed World is both a food justice and animal protection organization addressing the suffering of people from hunger and the suffering of animals abused and used for food. They maintain impactful programs, promote innovative, effective projects, and advocate veganism and vegan community building. Through a partnership network to distribute vegan food to people in need, they build food gardens in low-income countries, and strengthen farm animal care and rescue.
Religious and Spiritual Organizations Promoting A Vegan and Vegetarian Diet
Christian Vegetarian Association
An international, non-denomination ministry of Christians who respectfully encourage healthy, God-honoring plant-based nutrition. The website offers a blog, discussion group, nutrition advice and tips, resources, simple meals and meal planning, weekly newsletters, a community, videos, a Compassionate Eating Guide to download, numerous articles and loads of recipes.
Jewish Vegetarians of North America
The site encourages and helps people of the Jewish faith to embrace a plant-based diet “as an expression of the Jewish values of compassion for animals, concern for health, and care for the environment.” Offers a wealth of vegan recipes, shopping lists, nutrition advice, as well as ways to promote a healthier, more compassionate Jewish community. Lots of ideas for advocacy!
Shabkar.org is a non-sectarian website dedicated to vegetarianism as a way of life for Buddhists of all schools.
More Recommended Vegan Blogs to Follow
Building Your Own Vegetable Garden at Home
Here is an easy guide for people who want to set up a personal gardening space within the comfort of their home: Building Your Own Urban Vegetable Garden at Home