Until Every Animal is Free, by Saryta Rodriguez
Until Every Animal is Free By Saryta Rodriguez Until Every Animal is Free is a book about the animal liberation movement and how we can help animals. The book dispels the many myths propagated...
Taking personal action to end all animal exploitation by not eating, wearing or using animals
Until Every Animal is Free By Saryta Rodriguez Until Every Animal is Free is a book about the animal liberation movement and how we can help animals. The book dispels the many myths propagated...
Cowspiracy, The Sustainability Secret (released in 2014) reveals the truth about the devastating negative impact that industrial animal agriculture and factory farming is having on our environment today. Cowspiracy takes a candid look at how...
Learn about how to end factory farming in this animated, short 2-minute video by Animals Australia. We’re at a critical point in human history where the detrimental effects of factory farming and industrial animal...
Documentary Film: UNITY, 2015 (Trailer) The documentary film UNITY was released last night—for one night only—in a thousand theaters worldwide. Audiences experienced the rare opportunity to be transformed by its compelling message of change from...
Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel By Carl Safina This well-researched book is a fascinating, passionate and thought-provoking examination of how animals truly think and feel. Award-winning author and MacArthur Fellow, Carl Safina,...
Henry David Thoreau was an American poet, writer, philosopher and naturalist, who for a period of time, lived in a log cabin near Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts. It was there he wrote the...
Beans or Beef? Which is healthier? Beans are much lower in total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol, and higher in fiber and iron. Plus, beans are an essential nutrient to prevent cancer. Beef is...
The Bond By Wayne Pacelle The Bond is written by one of America’s most important champions of animal welfare, Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). The...
Food and Water Watch has produced the first map to chart the geographical distribution of factory farms in the U.S. The companion report, Factory Farm Nation, explains the forces driving factory farms, as well...
Which foods increase or decrease the risk of cancer? Research is proving that plant-based foods reduce the risk of getting cancer and strengthen the chance of survival if you’re are diagnosed with cancer. Animal-based foods actually...