Humane Decisions Website

The Bond, by Wayne Pacelle

The Bond, by Wayne Pacelle

The Bond By Wayne Pacelle The Bond is written by one of America’s most important champions of animal welfare, Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). The...

Factory farming in the U.S.

Factory Farm Map of the U.S.

Food and Water Watch has produced the first map to chart the geographical distribution of factory farms in the U.S. The companion report, Factory Farm Nation, explains the forces driving factory farms, as well...

Guide to Confronting a Factory Farm

Guide to Confronting a Factory Farm

The majority of meat, dairy and egg production today takes place inside warehouse-like factory farms, also known officially as Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). In addition to forcing animals to live in cruel and inhumane...

Mark Twain devoted animal advocate

Mark Twain, Devoted Animal Advocate

American novelist, journalist, humorist, and travel writer, Mark Twain, loved animals from the time he was a child and became a strong advocate for animals and animal welfare, both in his writing and personal...

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