The Humane Hoax – Don’t Buy The Lie
Ever wondered what the labels mean that you see on packaging that say cage-free, free-range, organic and humane? Watch this 5-minute video to learn the truth behind these labels. You’ll be surprised what you...
Taking personal action to end all animal exploitation by not eating, wearing or using animals
Ever wondered what the labels mean that you see on packaging that say cage-free, free-range, organic and humane? Watch this 5-minute video to learn the truth behind these labels. You’ll be surprised what you...
Former cattle rancher turned vegan and animal and environmental rights advocate: “What we’re doing to them is wrong, absolutely wrong.” The feature documentary film MAD COWBOY chronicles Howard Lyman’s life and transition from raising cattle for...
FARM ANIMALS & LIVESTOCK = Livestock farming generates more greenhouse gas emissions worldwide than all cars, trains, boats and planes added together, and is the single largest contributor to global warming and climate change. The...
“Shoot. Shut up. And Shovel.” This has been the motto of the federal government’s Wildlife Services, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) most mismanaged and unaccountable agency. The agency was originally established to resolve...
Give Me Shelter is a powerful and moving award-winning film documentary by actress and producer Katie Cleary, that raises awareness about some of the most pressing animal welfare issues happening worldwide—including the fur trade, factory farming,...
Live and Let Live is a feature documentary that explores our relationship with animals and the ethical, environmental and health reasons that motivate people to become vegan. It investigates that awakening moment when people...
There are several documented reasons that Mahatma Gandhi chose not to eat meat, among them was his mother’s influence. But one of the strongest reasons Gandhi chose not to eat meat was his moral...
If we continue fishing as we are now, most seafood will be gone by 2048 This is not just a film—it’s a campaign and wakeup call for the sustainable consumption of fish and for...
Artist and Renaissance man, Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519), may have lived over five centuries ago, but he was ahead of his time defending animal rights, questioning the superiority of humans to animals, and...
Ralph Waldo Emerson was born in 1803 in Boston, Massachusetts. After graduating from Harvard University and the Harvard School of Divinity, Emerson became a minister and went on to become a prominent American poet,...