Organizations Working to End Dog Racing

Organizations Working to End Dog Racing
Greyhound racing kills dogs – both on and off the track. Greyhounds in dog racing suffer from reckless breeding and overbreeding, preventable injuries and relentless culling. Tens of thousands of greyhounds are killed around the world every year because of greyhound dog racing. The industry is cruel, heartless, corrupt, is totally irresponsible and treats dogs like disposable objects. Dogs face a miserable life in cages 24/7, live in deplorable conditions, receive no affection or attention except to race, suffer horrific injuries, are drugged with illegal drugs, receive no veterinary or medical care to treat injuries or illnesses, and are killed when they are no longer deemed useful. This cruel industry needs to be closed down, forever.
Campaign Against Greyhound Exploitation and Death (C.A.G.E.D. Nationwide) – U.K. – C.A.G.E.D. Nationwide is the largest Greyhound protection group in the U.K. that is dedicated to the welfare of greyhounds for their entire lifetime. Their mission is to raise mass awareness of the plight of greyhounds within the racing industry. They promote a campaign called Ban The Bolt Gun that addresses the disappearance of an estimated 10,000 ex-racing dogs that are unaccounted for in the U.K., including the disappearance of: unwanted puppies, dogs that are injured or pregnant, dogs that were not adopted, most of these dogs are under 5 years of age – and all are “disposed of” by the very inhumane bolt gun in the U.K. This method causes enormous suffering for dogs and an agonizing, torturous death, and should be illegal and abolished. This organization is working to do that. They also promote the investigative documentary, Greyhounds Running for Their Lives. You can sign their petitions here, find their leaflets, and learn more about adopting a greyhound.
Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds – Australia – The Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds (CPG) is a dedicated group of people in geographically diverse locations coming together to educate and inform the public about the cruelties of Greyhound dog racing and ending greyhound suffering. CPG exposes the cruelty and corruption of greyhound racing and lobbies state governments to close the industry down. The website says it is for lovers, rescuers, fosters and protectors of Greyhounds. Read about what you can do to make a difference for greyhounds, and see the greyhound rescue groups list in Australia.
Galgos del Sol (GDS) – Spain – A nonprofit charity that rescues and rehomes thousands of Spanish Galgos, throughout Europe and North America. GDS raises awareness about the horrific dog abuse, neglect and abandonment of Galgos in Spain that are bred and disposed of as hunting dogs. Hunters abandon their dogs after finding they are poor or unsuccessful hunters – to the streets. GDS raises public awareness about the plight of these dogs through an Education and Outreach program, through video outreach, a sponsorship dog program, and an adoption program.
Galgos Rescue International Network (GRIN) – Galgos Rescue International Network is dedicated to the welfare of Spanish Galgos and sighthounds worldwide. GRIN is a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal welfare organization located in Colorado run entirely by volunteers that works closely with Spanish shelters, and raises awareness of the Galgo’s plight through networking and social media. Their primary goal is to aid shelters through fundraising, and to assist with adoptions to rehome galgos and podencos in the U.S. “Our love of greyhounds and concern for their plight drew us to their cousins — the galgos and podencos.”
GREY2K USA Worldwide – GREY2K USA Worldwide is an American non-profit political lobbying organization dedicated to passing far stronger greyhound protection laws and ending dog racing on both the national and international levels. It was founded in March 2001 as Grey2K and changed its name in 2013 to reflect its international focus. Today, it is the largest greyhound protection organization in the world. They also promote the rescue and adoption of greyhounds across the globe. Take action by signing their petitions, and sign up to receive their Action Alerts. Learn about all the issues associated with greyhound dog racing that are cruel and inhumane.
Greyhound Adoption Action Alliance – The Greyhound Adoption Action Alliance facilitates the adoption of greyhound racing dogs wherever they are in the U.S. They are a neutral organization with no affiliation of any anti- or pro-racing factions. They are only pro-greyhound dogs finding loving forever homes. Their mission includes establishing a coordinated effort by contacting all adoption groups nationally to assist in any way possible and facilitate the placement of retired greyhounds.
Greyhound Gang – Greyhound Gang is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in Utah founded by Claudia Presto in 1993 to rescue and save greyhounds that otherwise would be killed in the racing industry. Her journey to become a rescue organization is here. Greyhound Gang not only rescues unwanted dogs, but medically rehabilitates them, provides behavioral care, finds them loving adoptive homes, and educates adopters on how to care for the dogs. Today, Greyhound Gang focuses on education and fundraising, along with rescue and adoption.
Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS) – Greyhound dog racing has been one of the central issues the HSUS has focused on in recent years through legislative efforts to shut down the industry in states and to close racetracks. The organization is also involved with helping to find adoptive homes for dogs that have stopped racing. HSUS set up the Greyhound Protection Fund to help greyhound protection efforts assisting with providing rescue, rehabilitation, shelter, transport and veterinary care for retired racing greyhounds, along with funding advocacy efforts to end greyhound racing in states and around the world.
National Greyhound Adoption Program – National Greyhound Adoption Program was founded in Philadelphia, PA in 1989. Their main goals are, and always have been: To help find loving, adoptive homes for former racing greyhound dogs. To provide superior knowledge and support for greyhound dog adopters and other adoption groups. To educate the public and spread awareness about the plight of the greyhounds. And to provide specialized medical care specifically geared towards the greyhound.
National Greyhound Foundation – For over 25 years, the National Greyhound Foundation’s mission statement has been to Rescue, Adopt, and Educate the public about racing greyhounds and other abused animals. They offer several programs including: Second Chance at Life, a Greyhound-Prison Partnership Program; Guardian Angel Program; Retirement Program to Provide Needed Care; and Special Needs Greys—finding homes for special needs dogs.
For more information about the No Kill Movement in the U.S., please read:
No Kill Advocacy Center – The No Kill Advocacy Center was founded in 2004 by Nathan Winograd as the nation’s first — and at the time, only — full-service No Kill community, saving not only dogs and cats, including all community cats, but rabbits, hamsters, gerbils, horses, and others. The No Kill Advocacy Center is a legal advocacy organization that reforms shelters through litigation, legislation, education, consultation, training, and other direct assistance. Read about how to get involved and watch the documentary film Redemption, about the No Kill Revolution in America.
Save The Greyhound Dogs! – New Hampshire campaign to end greyhound dog racing.