Organizations Fighting to End Animal Testing and Using Animals in Research

Organizations Fighting to End Animal Testing and Using Animals in Research
The following list of organizations are working hard to end animal testing and provide science with viable non-animal alternatives for testing. Several of these organizations provide information to consumers about what brands and companies do test on animals, as well as the companies that do not use animal testing for their products.
Against Animal Testing
Alternatives Research and Development Foundation (ARDF) – Established in 1993, the Alternatives Research & Development Foundation (ARDF) has been a mainstay of support for developing alternatives to animal-based methods in science. Through grant programs, achievement awards, and sponsorship of scientific conferences, ARDF advances high quality scientific research that aims to replace and reduce the use of animals. Focused on exploring non-animal methods and models, ARDF works constructively with partners in the science community to bring alternatives technology and compassion to modern biomedical research, product testing, and classroom laboratories.
American Anti-Vivisection Society (AAVS) – Working to end the use of animals in science through education, advocacy and the development of alternative methods.
Americans for Medical Advancement (AFMA) – AFMA is a nonprofit, science-based, patient advocacy organization dedicated to improving healthcare through biomedical research. AFMA opposes the use of animal studies and animal experimentation for drug development and disease, arguing that it’s a misconception that animal studies are predictive for humans, and testing drugs for efficacy and safety on animals is not a viable way to develop drugs. AFMA argues that animal models offer no predictive value in terms of human response to drugs or the pathophysiology of human disease.
Animal Free Research UK – The vision of Animal Free Research UK is to create a world where human diseases are cured faster without animal suffering. By pioneering excellence, inspiring and supporting scientists and influencing change, this organization is working to end the use of animals and improve medical research .
Animal Justice Project – A grassroots animal rights group based in the U.K., with an international reach. Founded in 2015, with a mission to end the use and exploitation of animals for food and in laboratories. Their vivisection work highlights the cruel and needless torturing of animals in laboratories and shines a light on the 50 percent of animal experiments which take place at British universities. Their key campaigns include Campus Without Cruelty, Missing, Lifeline, Cures Not Cruelty, Secret War, Deadly Doses, Vivisection, and Swedish Monkey Imports — all about animal testing and the horrific suffering it causes animals. Their work includes undercover investigations, consumer outreach, lobbying, and pressure campaigns.
Beagle Freedom Project (BFE) – BFE is a nonprofit animal rescue and advocacy organization and the world’s leading organization for rescuing and rehoming animals used in experimental research. BFP is dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of animals used in testing and research, as well as victims of animal cruelty, and senior and special needs animals from shelters. Beagle Freedom Project is part of Animal Rescue, Media & Education (ARME), a nonprofit dedicated to rescuing animals and helping to end animal exploitation by creating educational films exposing animal cruelty. There are 11 states in the U.S. now that are saving beagles from being killed following the experiments that have been used for, and now are put up for adoption.
Beauty Without Cruelty – Today, Beauty Without Cruelty has a full line of cruelty-free, vegan skin, body, and hair care products made with the finest natural ingredients and aroma-therapeutic essential oils, along with a full line of color cosmetics to meet the needs of every woman. In 1989, Beauty Without Cruelty was introduced in the United States. Based on the principles of high quality, fair pricing, and environmental sensitivity, BWC cosmetics quickly became one of the industry’s leading brands. Later that year, a natural skin care line was developed to compliment the color line from England. Its cruelty-free, vegetarian ethic was embraced by American consumers making it one of the most respected and recognized lines in the marketplace.
Bunny Army Cruelty Free Shopping Guide – Bunny Army is a resource to make cruelty free shopping easy and make our army of voices against animal testing heard in the marketplace.
Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) – The Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT), was founded in 1981 and is part of the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, and has a European branch (CAAT-Europe) located at the University of Kostanz, Germany. CAAT promotes humane science by supporting the creation, development, validation, and use of alternatives to animals in research, product safety testing, and education. CAAT is working with scientists in industry, government, and academia to find new ways to replace animals with non-animal methods, reduce the numbers of animals necessary, or refine methods to make them less painful or stressful to the animals involved. Read the latest news about alternatives to animal testing.
Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC) – CCIC was launched almost 25 years ago to provide consumers with accurate information on cruelty-free cosmetics, personal care and household products. With this mission, the Leaping Bunny Program was established in the U.S. and Canada to provide comprehensive lists of companies, brands and products that do not test on animals for any ingredients and for all phases of product development.
Cruelty-Free International – Cruelty Free International is the world’s leading single-issue organization campaigning to end animal experimentation worldwide. With a dedicated team that combines scientific expertise, research, legal experts, public campaigning, undercover investigations, political lobbying, and media savvy, they are exposing the reality of life for animals in laboratories and are challenging political and business decision-makers to make a positive difference for animals and to replace animal testing with humane alternatives. They champion better science and cruelty-free living, and offer a cruelty-free list of products by category.
European Coalition to End Animal Experiments (ECEAE) – The ECEAE was formed in 1990 and is comprised of a grouping of 14 animal protection organizations across the E.U., working to eliminate all animal testing within the European Union. They successfully achieved banning animal testing for cosmetics in the E.U., and helped to create the Humane Cosmetics Standard. They also work with the European Commission, MEPs and the wider public to make sure that animals in laboratories are on the European political agenda, and campaign for humane, modern science and progressive legislation.
Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) – The Humane Society of the U.S. is working hard to end animal testing for cosmetics through legislative and policy initiatives that prohibit the testing of cosmetics on animals. If enacted, The Humane Cosmetics Act (S. 2886 and H.R. 5141), would end cosmetics testing on animals in the U.S. by prohibiting the use of animals to test cosmetics and by banning the import of animal tested cosmetics. Urge your representatives to support the Humane Cosmetics act Action Alert to end cosmetics testing on animals.
Institute for In Vitro Science (IIVS) – The Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS) is a non-profit organization wholly dedicated to the advancement of alternative testing methods. Rigorous scientific and compliance programs coupled with Education and Outreach initiatives have established IIVS as a global leader in the advancement of alternatives to animal testing. IIVS was founded in 1997, and is a primary provider of in vitro testing methods in support of toxicological safety evaluations for both industry and government.
Leaping Bunny Program – created a corporate standard for companies to apply for, that guarantees that – that company does not and will not test on animals for any ingredients in the product. That standard is the internationally recognized Leaping Bunny Logo for certified companies. They also created a cruelty-free app for the iPhone and Android smart phones to scan a product’s UPC code or search by company and product.
National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS) – With more than 90 years of victories on behalf of animals behind them, NAVS is continually looking ahead toward the future of humane, human-relevant science, and toward our goal of ending the use of animals in research and testing once and for all.
People For Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) – One of the many issues PETA has fought hard against with many successful campaigns, is the fight against the use of animal testing in experiments. They have put unrelenting pressure on scientists, physicians, universities, and corporations, to stop animal testing. PETA also provides information and resources about how to fight animal testing at the consumer level. The nonprofit has donated over a million dollars to find non-animal testing methods. See PETA’s how to help end animal suffering in experiments.
Physicians For Responsible Medicine (PCRM) – The Physicians Committee is a nonprofit out of Washington D.C. that promotes alternatives to using animals in research, testing, and education. PCRM is working to improve human health through research conducted without the use of animals. The website is rich with resources about how you can help facilitate a transition from animal use to human-relevant methods. Sign up for Action Alerts to replace animal use in research, testing, and education. Watch PCRM’s Tail of Toxics short video animation about improving chemical safety without the use of animals.
Primate Freedom Project – The Primate Freedom Project is dedicated to ending the use of nonhuman primates in biomedical and harmful behavioral experimentation. The Primate Freedom Project has three components: Education, Advocacy, and Support. There are grants available to campus and community groups working to educate the public about the use of primates in laboratories, to bring attention to the activities of particular researchers, working to expose the cruelty and insanity of a particular line of research, and working to find ways to abolish primate experimentation. Here are Resources to help you help the primates.
RISE FOR ANIMALS (Was New England Anti-Vivisection Society) – Rise For Animals is a national, registered 501 nonprofit organization “dedicated to ending the use of animals in research, testing, and science education,” and replacing them with “modern alternatives that are ethically, humanely, and scientifically superior.” Help to free animals from labs and end animal experimentation for good. Take a minute to call, click, or write and raise your voice, here.
See It Through Their Eyes – Created by Cruelty Free International for people to see animal experiments through the eyes of dogs, monkeys, rabbits, and other animals. An animal experiment is any scientific test in which a live animal is forced to undergo something that is likely to cause them pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm and always results in death.
Stop Animal Exploitation NOW! (SAEN) – SAEN was founded in 1996 to force an end to the abuse of animals in laboratories. SAEN works exclusively on the animal experimentation issue, by working to terminate research projects, forcing the USDA to take legal actions against laboratories, and coordinating the release of animals into sanctuaries. Their first major event was a news conference that revealed the suffering endured by dogs, rabbits, and primates in nine laboratories across the U.S. Documents obtained by SAEN had revealed severe abuses within the laboratories of Michigan State University, University of Southern California, University of Washington, Stolle Research and Development, University of South Florida, Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center (associated with Emory University), University of Florida, University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Toledo. SAEN uses investigative reporting to identify lab abuse and facilities that torture animals to expose them including: Texas, Michigan, Wisconsin, Oregon, and North Carolina. They exposes the lab cruelty through media campaigns. Read about What’s New at SAEN and Media Coverage.
The Final Nail – Industries of animal abuse and exploitation benefit from public ignorance. Final is an effort to expose places of industrialized cruelty, and to replace ignorance with knowledge. The public’s help is needed to create a resource that is up-to-date and comprehensive. This website shares businesses responsible for laboratory animal testing abuse, fur trade abuse, and slaughterhouses located in every state of the United States.
White Coat Waste Project – To stop taxpayer-funded experiments on dogs, monkeys, cats and other animals to the tune of $15 billion in animal experimentation every year, that a majority of Americans oppose, and even the agencies funding the work admit is expensive, wasteful and irrelevant. This organization works to stop wasteful government spending and cut federal spending that hurts animals and Americans, because experimentation on animals is deemed inefficient, wasteful and is proven not to improve human health. The NIH continues to dedicate 47% of its $32 billion budget each year to animal experiments that are a proven failure and 90% of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human trials because they don’t work or are dangerous. Take Action here.

Anti-Vivisection Organizations
American Anti-Vivisection Society – The American Anti-Vivisection Society is an organization created with the goal of eliminating a number of different procedures done by medical and cosmetic groups in relation to animal cruelty in the United States. It seeks to help the betterment of animal life and human-animal interaction through legislation reform. Their mission is ending the use of animals in science through education, advocacy, and the development of alternative methods. You can take action for animals by signing these petitions in the Action Center.
Animal Defense & Anti-Vivisection Society (ADAVS) – The Animal Defense & Anti-Vivisection Society of British Columbia (ADAV), established by a veterinary surgeon in 1927, is a peaceful, grassroots organization committed to the abolition of vivisection on moral, ethical and scientific grounds. The ADAV Society strives to inform the public of the grim realities faced by animals used in experiments, promote the use of superior and more humane non-animal alternatives, and alert the public to the proven invalidity of basing human medicine and toxicology on species other than our own. They conduct outreach events and letter-writing campaigns, sponsor speaker series, and network with other groups nationally and internationally in an effort to change policies on animal experimentation.
National Anti-Vivisection Society, U.S. (NAVS) – NAVS is dedicated to ending harmful, flawed and costly animal experiments through the advancement of smarter, human-relevant research and the promotion of animal-friendly changes to laws and policies. Make your voice heard by taking action for animals to support and advance federal legislation, corporate policies and state legislation to make a positive impact on animals exploited in the name of science.
National Anti-Vivisection Society, U.K. (NAVS) – The National Anti-Vivisection Society, founded in 1875, is the world’s first body to challenge the use of animals in research and continues to lead the campaign today. NAVS has spearheaded the adoption of advanced, non-animal methods; exposed laboratory animal suffering and breaches of regulations with our undercover investigations; funded non-animal scientific and medical research; educated public and media about the flaws of animal research and provided legislators detailed briefings to support the replacement of animals in research with advanced methods. Take action for animals here.
RISE FOR ANIMALS (Was New England Anti-Vivisection Society) – Rise For Animals is a national, registered 501 nonprofit organization “dedicated to ending the use of animals in research, testing, and science education,” and replacing them with “modern alternatives that are ethically, humanely, and scientifically superior.” Help to free animals from labs and end animal experimentation for good. Take a minute to call, click, or write and raise your voice, here.
New Zealand Anti-Vivisection Society (NZAVS) – The New Zealand Anti-Vivisection Society is New Zealand’s primary non-profit organization defending animals used in science. Their mission is to end animal experimentation and the harmful use of animals for research, testing and teaching in Aotearoa – for animals, humans and science. NZAVS advocates for scientifically viable and non-harmful research, testing and teaching methods; lobbies for legislative and systemic changes; collaborates with and encourages stakeholders to create positive changes and educates to create cultural and societal change. How to help end the cruel suffering of animals used in science through taking action.