Nature-Deficit Disorder is Real, But You Can Help Your Kids Fight It

Not too long ago, kids couldn’t get enough of the great outdoors. Parents meanwhile, had their work cut out for them, trying to get their kids to come in on time for supper. These days, the exact opposite is true. With children preferring to stay in and tinker with gadgets, parents need to get creative in order to compel them to spend time outside. Sadly, this means that kids are losing out on Mother Nature’s many gifts, leading to nature-deficit disorder. But what exactly is it and, more importantly, how can it be mitigated? Here’s the lowdown on this new condition.
The Threat is Real
While technology has many benefits, kids still need time outdoors.
What Is Nature-Deficit Disorder (NDD)?
A Balancing Act: Technology vs. Outdoor Play
4 Myths Debunked About Outdoor Play and Children’s Health
The Solution Is Out There
Teaching kids about the natural world will benefit them and their environment.
How Does Nature Impact Our Well-Being?
Author Richard Louv Urges: Please Give Kids the Gift of Nature
The Science Behind How Nature Affects Our Health
Teach Them How to Become Animal Advocates
Focus on Animals
In addition to teaching them about ways they can help the planet as a whole, find ways to help your children learn about and even help animals. Kids of all ages love critters, so teaching them about wildlife and ways they can protect the creatures in our world will instill a stronger connection to the natural world and create life-long animal advocates.
8 Top Websites Where Kids Can Learn About Animals
How to Teach Your Kids to Respect and Conserve Wildlife
Welcoming Wildlife In The Garden: How To Create A Wildlife Garden
What to Do if You Find Hurt or Abandoned Wildlife
Crafts for Kids: Recycled Bird Feeder
It Starts at Home
You don’t have to venture far to find nature. There are many fun activities your kids can participate in right in your backyard!
Fun and Physical Outdoor Activities for Kids
Give Young Children Rewards for Outdoor Chores and Fun Yardwork
7 Mind-Blowing Backyard Science Experiments for Kids
The World Awaits
Take your kids on an adventure whether you’re hiking, biking, or camping.
Top 10 Outdoor Family Adventure Destinations
Mountain Biking With Your Kids? Not Without These Tips
DIY Nature Explorer Packs for Kids
Ultimately, it’s up to us, parents and adults, to remember the innate magic of the outdoors and introduce them to the next generations. By working to cultivate a relationship between Mother Nature and the kids of today, we not only ensure their continued health, but also the continued preservation of the outdoors for the kids that will come after.
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Jenny Miller, Guest Author
[email protected]
Putting an End to Nature-Deficit Disorder