Millions of Kangaroos Are Killed for Soccer Shoes
Did you know that more than two million kangaroos are shot and killed each year in Australia? It’s known as the largest land-based commercial wildlife slaughter in the world, 10 times larger and far bloodier than the brutal and notorious seal slaughter in Canada. In addition, an estimated 500,000 baby joeys are wrenched away from the pouches of their shot mother and killed with blunt force trauma—bludgeoned to death, or they are left to starve in the wild. All done with the Australian government’s sanctioned support and guidelines.
The commercial kangaroo industry is in large part driven by companies like Nike, Adidas, New Balance and Puma to manufacture soccer cleats. Basically, these beautiful animals are killed for their skin for Nike, Adidas, Puma and other athletic shoe companies—to be used in their products. It’s called “k-leather.” The remainder of their bodies is used for meat that goes into pet food.
In addition, more than 100 California stores and online retailers (including Nike, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Puma and Amazon-owned Zappos) are illegally selling athletic shoes made of kangaroo skin — according to an exhaustive, months-long investigation by the Center for a Humane Economy (a national non-profit organization that promotes animal welfare in the business sector).
It’s time for companies to stop these harmful, cruel, inhumane and deadly practices done to animals, wildlife and the environment for business profits. Corporations need to take responsibility for their negative, destructive impact on our planet and its inhabitants, and make a commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility.
Kangaroos were once a thriving species in Australia, but that is no longer the case. In the last century, some breeds have gone extinct, some have become seriously threatened, and some local populations have collapsed. They are contending with less and less available land due to human encroachment, are suffering fatal disease outbreaks, and are suffering massive losses due to climate change driving widespread forest fires.
Please join the campaign to support the efforts to get Nike, Adidas, New Balance, and Puma, along with other soccer shoe manufacturers to stop sourcing the skins of these beautiful, gentle wild animals for shoes. As one of the two largest purchasers of kangaroo skin in the world, Nike is the largest driver of the killing. Nike says it is committed to sustainability, but there is nothing sustainable about slaughtering 2 million wild animals unnecessarily for shoes. How can a company, let alone a person, ever justify the social and ethical cost of animal cruelty and environmental harm for an economic benefit? The damage this killing causes to wildlife, natural ecosystems, and wildlife habitat is enormous. Nike, Adidas, Puma and other companies driving this are the problem. And they are refusing to take social and environmental responsibility for the death of these animals, the illegal trafficking in wildlife parts to the U.S., and the cost to the natural environment and ecosystems.

- DOWNLOAD the Cleat Cheat Sheet or DO NOT BUY LIST of companies that includes the 9 brands and 72 shoe models that are made from Kangaroo skin – or “K” leather.
- READ SKIN IN THE GAME – An investigation into the illegal trade of Kangaroo parts in California.
- VISIT the SOCCOR STORE DIRECTORY – See who is breaking the law:
- SHARE THE SHORT FILM about millions of wild kangaroos killed for soccer shoes:
- READ THE ARTICLE: Taking a Closer Look at the Moral Fabric of Athletic Footwear, an Industry Analysis by the Center for a Humane Economy.
- KNOW Scientists, academics and public figures OPPOSE the kangaroo slaughter, read more about it here:
- SHARE THIS PAGE on social media, Spread the word!
For more information and resources please visit:
The website, Kangaroos Are Not Shoes