KANGAROO: A Love-Hate Story
“The killing of kangaroos in Australia is the largest wildlife slaughter anywhere in the world. More than two million kangaroos are shot each year.”
KANGAROO: A Love-Hate Story sheds light on how the meat, pet food, and soccer shoe industries all have a stake in the brutal mass killing of kangaroos every single day. Why? Because they profit off of their killing. So do ranchers, farmers and hunters who have long vilified kangaroos for competing for grassland shared with their sheep and cows. But research shows there is very little competition between kangaroos and livestock for land resources. Nevertheless, farmers, ranchers and hunters have historically vilified wild animals, especially predator animals, and have caused many predators throughout history to become extinct, all for livestock ranching. And, last but not least, is the Australian government and National party that calls the kangaroo a “plague” and a “pest,” to appease these three special interest groups who have voted them into office, because they are powerful voting blocks. As a result, this unique, beautiful and iconic wild animal, and Australia’s national symbol—the wild kangaroo—is experiencing the largest and worst mass destruction of terrestrial wildlife in the world. The Australian government sanctions these cruel and inhumane hunts by subsidizing the hired shooters and supporting the massive death and destruction to this beautiful species—all for money, profit, and promoting business and industry.
Kangaroos have adapted to their environment for over millions of years. Yet, almost half a million baby joeys are slaughtered each year after they’re found “in the pouch” or “at the foot” of their shot mothers, where they are then brutally bludgeoned to death by hired hunters and shooters. Aside from the animals’ enemies that seek to make money off of their dead bodies, the kangaroo is Australia’s national icon and the most recognizable tourist symbol in the world behind the Statue of Liberty.
Watch this provocative tale of investigative journalism. With stunning unseen footage, KANGAROO is a must watch film for all animal lovers. Kangaroos desperately need your help and voice to overcome the false information and vicious propaganda against them, and to overcome their foes who see them only as profit. Join the campaign today to advocate against their brutal, barbaric and senseless killing.
Visit the website: Kangaroothemovie.com
Film Release: January 19, 2018 (USA) 2017 (Australia)
Film Length: 1 Hour, 40 Minutes
Killing Kangaroos for Soccer Shoes
Companies like NIKE, Adidas, New Balance, Reebok, ASICS and Puma are all responsible for killing kangaroo joeys and mothers, and for supporting the hunting of kangaroos in order to use kangaroo skin to make soccer cleats and shoes–entirely unnecessarily. Soccer cleats can easily be made of synthetic materials and can be made even stronger and more resilient doing so. These companies source the skins of these iconic animals for shoe fabric. NIKE drives most of the killing, as one of the two largest purchasers of kangaroo skin in the world. If NIKE stopped the buying, the shooters would stop the killing. How can NIKE say it is committed to sustainability, when it is participating in the biggest massacre of wildlife in a native habitat in the world? In addition, NIKE and all these other shoe companies are illegally trafficking wildlife parts (banned in the U.S. and other countries), even after the wildfires have wiped out hundreds of millions of animals in Australia last year.
It’s long overdue for NIKE, Adidas, and the rest of these shoe companies to be environmentally and socially responsible and stop the horrific animal cruelty they are causing with the unnecessary slaughter of wildlife — the iconic kangaroo for soccer shoe cleats. It’s time for these companies to switch to a synthetic alternative.
Know that “K-leather” is the name for kangaroo leather, and it comes from extreme animal cruelty.
SIGN the petition to save millions of lives
JOIN the campaign at KangaroosAreNotShoes.org
SHARE on social media, then hashtag #KangaroosAreNotShoes
List of Companies Supporting the Slaughter of Kangaroos
These are the companies supporting and buying the horrific animal cruelty done to wild kangaroos and their joeys. Please do not support these brands. Take a stand against them by boycotting them, and sharing this campaign on social media:
- L.L. Bean
- Marc Jacobs
- Adidas
- New Balance
- Reebok
- Rolls Royce
- Alexander McQueen
- Harvey Davidson
- Suzuki
- Mercedes Benz
- Honda
- Kawasaki
- Hermes
What You Can Do
- SIGN THE PETITION! Kangaroos need your help, sign here!
- SIGN ANOTHER PETITION!: http://www.KangaroosAreNotShoes.org
- DON’T BUY SOCCER SHOES made by NIKE, Puma, Adidas, New Balance, Converse, ASICS and Reebok.
- DOWNLOAD the Cleat Cheat Sheet or DO NOT BUY LIST of companies that includes the 9 brands and 72 shoe models that are made from Kangaroo skin – or “K” leather.
- READ “SKIN IN THE GAME” – An investigation into the illegal trade of Kangaroo parts in California.
- VISIT the SOCCOR STORE DIRECTORY – See who is breaking or following the law: https://kangaroosarenotshoes.org/shopping-guide/
- SHARE THE SHORT FILM about millions of wild kangaroos killed for soccer shoes: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aM1HXFmLPhU.
- READ THE ARTICLE: Taking a Closer Look at the Moral Fabric of Athletic Footwear, an Industry Analysis by the Center for a Humane Economy.
- KNOW Scientists, academics and public figures OPPOSE the kangaroo slaughter, read more about it here: https://www.kangaroosatrisk.org.
- CHOOSE HOW TO SPEND YOUR MONEY – On products that DO NOT USE animal resources, animal parts, and cause animal cruelty. Go vegan. Don’t buy meat or dairy. Don’t buy products made from animal parts – all cause animal cruelty. Become a conscious consumer.
- SHARE THIS PAGE on social media, Spread the word!
Watch the Film
Watch on Amazon
Watch on VIMEO
Watch on You Tube

Facts About Kangaroos and the Kangaroo Killing Industry
The killing of kangaroos in Australia is the largest wildlife slaughter anywhere in the world.
30-40 percent of all kangaroos that are shot–aren’t killed initially, they suffer and die a slow death from a secondary injury. It’s an animal welfare crisis.
The UK is the largest importer of kangaroo meat and parts. The government of the Netherlands is preparing to ban kangaroo parts.
Kangaroo is a marsupial from the family of Macropods, meaning “large foot.” There are 70 species of kangaroo, some include: Red Kangaroo, Eastern Grey, Wallaby, Kwoora Wallaby, Agile Wallaby, Parma Wallaby, Red-Necked, Toolache Wallaby, Black Striped, Wallaroo, Black Wallaroo, Common Wallaroo, and Antilopine.
Farmers are granted permits by the government to kill up to 1,000 kangaroos at any time for “pest mitigation.” Farmers can get commercial licenses for professional shooters to operate on their farms.
Kangaroos can hop at 60 miles per hour.
Russia banned kangaroo meat imports due to highly contaminated meat levels.
Kangaroos naturally balance their population on their own, without humans shooting and killing them.
The number of kangaroos that inhabit Australia is unknown. Government numbers are all manipulated for industry, and don’t reflect the truth.
Quotes from the Film
“These are wild animals, they are not farmed, if Americans and Europeans would stop buying products made from Kangaroos, then the killing of kangaroos would stop.”
“Population numbers are in steep decline. Local extinction and regional extinction has happened. We need to acknowledge what we have lost. We must stop killing kangaroos until we have accurate information.”
“It’s not the case at all that killing kangaroos is humane—it’s nothing but, that’s purely propaganda, they are bludgeoned to death, with their joeys.”
“Kangaroos have been here for millions of years. This is their land. They have been the first Australians.”
“The kangaroo is our national icon, we love the kangaroo too, but it certainly does not show in the way we treat them.”
“It’s really a schizoid attitude, on the one hand you have people who are devoted to their dogs, cats, horses—and on the other, these people don’t even think about the animals who are killed and slaughtered to feed their pets. It’s trading one animal for another. Don’t those animals have as much right and interest to live as another?”
“Since colonial times Kangaroos have been considered a pest and are killed at night in a barbaric manner. Concerns over the animal cruelty exposed in the film along with dubious population numbers have sparked a global Social Impact Campaign to stop the brutal slaughter of kangaroos.”
“The vilification of Kangaroos is simply propaganda by the government, ranching and business. The conservative party, or National Party in Australian government calls kangaroos a “plague” because these politicians are supported politically by sheep and cattle ranchers and farmers, and hunters.”
“Over the last 30 years, our research shows, there is very little competition between kangaroos and livestock for land resources. But no one listens. Why? Because kangaroo culling has become big business. They are making money. So they are not listening to the truth, statistics and facts. There is no competition between these grazers.”
“It’s not humane, it’s not safe, it’s not sustainable. We don’t need more issues.”
“We have ‘harvesters’ on our books for the meat industry that go out every single night, and shoot and kill kangaroos and their joeys, killing thousands, for meat.”
“The hunting of kangaroos is relentless, it’s brutal and barbaric.”
“It’s not the case at all that killing kangaroos is humane–it’s nothing but, that’s purely propaganda, they are bludgeoned to death, with their baby joeys.”
“Why on Earth does Australia want to ruin the natural ecosystem with fencing and barriers? Fencing is not the solution. Co-existence is the only solution. The grazers are completely fencing their property in, preventing the kangaroo from migrating.”
“We have to learn how to share space with animals.”
“Similar to Canada’s government sanctioned slaughter of baby harp seals, and the U.S. government’s support of the slaughter of America’s bison, and predator wildlife by Wildlife Services.”
“This industry needs to be completely shut down. It’s an unaccountable, bloody, disgusting industry.”
“We need to live with this wonderful animal, look and learn how to live on this land, without so much destruction.”
“How did we get so hood-winked to think that it is OK to kill our national icon, for 30 pieces of silver?”
“Fairy tales are coming out the government controlled by industry, we want management to be based on reality instead of industry controlling the conversation.”
“Killing whales is wrong, it doesn’t help anyone to kill them, and tourists love to whale watch. Well, the same thing with kangaroos, tourists want to see kangaroos.”
“It’s a really brutal cruel industry, and for anyone to say otherwise, they are just outright lying.”
“If we were doing this to cows, or sheep, it would be banned.”
“As a shooter, I know that we take Joeys, little baby kangaroos, and yank it from their mother’s pouch, then beat it to death against a fence, very brutally. Joeys are bashed to death, at night, so it’s hidden and cloaked in secrecy.”
“Someone has to witness this and see what is happening in Australia. These men, called shooters, come out at night and just slaughter our wildlife. We’re not even safe living here. The amount of shooting and killing every night, is why people don’t even want to live here, people have moved away, my family won’t even come to our home.”
Film Credits
Film Directors: Michael McIntyre, Kate Clere McIntyre
Screenplay: Michael McIntyre, Kate Clere McIntyre
Producers: Michael McIntyre, Kate Clere McIntyre
Film Cast
- Terri Irwin
- Tim Flannery
- Philip Wollen
- Professor Peter Singer
- Kangaroo Dundee
- Dr. Jeffrey Masson
- Professor Terrance Dawson
- Dr. David Croft
- Dr. Daniel Lunney
- Jennifer Fearing