Humane Decisions’ mission is devoted to ending the suffering, domination, exploitation, abuse, enslavement and use of animals worldwide for reasons of food, pleasure, convenience, entertainment and all other unnecessary reasons, by providing resources and information to shift both individual and collective consciousness and actions to living a fully compassionate life that is completely free of animal products and one that recognizes animal’s sentience and inclusion in our moral community.
A world where we individually and collectively treat animals as the sentient beings they are, with the moral respect and moral inclusion they deserve, by choosing to live free of eating, wearing, using and exploiting animals in any way.
A very committed and well thought about website. Very grateful for you for publishing this and I have shared it with my non veg friends and families and also in my Facebook page. Thank you. May you be well,happy and peaceful.
Thank you so much for your kind words, that means a great deal to me. Thank you too for sharing this website with others – I hope more people find their voice to help animals. All the best, Jennie
I just found your website and will post along with my comment on Facebook. Thank you for your commitment to helping animals. I love animals so much and am beyond sick at how they are treated. I especially deplore any kind of animal testing for medical purposes. If humans are so intelligent, then we should be able to find alternative ways to test pharmaceuticals. I am also sick at heart about how many animals are poached for their body parts in Asia and Africa. Animals deserve to live and we cannot allow this abuse to continue. Thank you for letting me share my view. And thank you for your site, which is excellent.
Thank you, Jennie, for your work to help our animal friends. It is the most important work in the world, I think. Stay gold. With sincere appreciation and respectfully yours, Helene
Thank you for being brave. Stating issues regarding animal cruelty is a taboo within our society. I am starting a vegan group within my large (1000+) church. I will include your website in references
Thanks Sandy. Kudos to you for starting a vegan group at your church, good luck!