Going Vegan: How to Start a Greener Lifestyle
Today, vegan products are all the rage. In fact, many vegan foods and beauty products are so popular that they’re used by non-vegans as well!
Are you curious about what the vegan lifestyle is all about? Are you wondering how to get started? If so, then you’re in the right place. Below, I’ll explain some of the key benefits of going vegan and some helpful tips for how to get started and begin living a greener, more compassionate lifestyle.

Why Go Vegan?
I went vegan around eight years ago, after coming to terms with the fact that the animal products in my diet could be causing some of the health issues I was experiencing. Prior to switching to a plant-based diet, I remember that I often felt:
- Tired and lethargic
- Bloated
- Suffered from indigestion
- Suffered from periodic bouts of acne
A month after going vegan, though, most of these symptoms were gone! Aside from the improvements to my physical health, here are some other great reasons to go vegan.
It’s More Ethical
Most non-vegans turn a blind eye to the deep suffering caused by the commercial meat industry. The suffering is there, nonetheless. Once I became aware of some of the awful things happening behind closed doors, I really started to double-think my eating habits and lifestyle choices.
Eight years after going vegan, I can say that I wake up feeling so much better about myself because I am not causing the suffering and death of animals for my diet.
It’s Better for the Planet
The commercial meat and animal product industry is a huge source of global CO2 pollution, and is a contributor to global warming and water scarcity. By contrast, plant-based foods require far less water to grow and don’t release as many greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.
It Can Improve Your Health
Switching to a plant-based diet typically correlates with eating more plants and consuming a higher number of vitamins and minerals from fruits and veggies.
Some of the stomach issues I was experiencing also disappeared after I cut dairy from my diet. Instead, I started using the best nutritional yeast brands in place of cheese and almond milk in place of cow’s milk.
Top Health Benefits of Going Vegan
Here are some scientifically backed health benefits of going vegan and switching a plant-based diet and adopting a more compassionate, planet-friendly lifestyle.
Reduced Risk for Heart Disease
According to studies published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, plant-based diets correlate with a reduced risk for:
- Stroke
- Heart attack
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
Consuming red meat and animal-based products is often attributed to an increased risk of heart disease.
Lower Body Fat Levels
According to the latest research, a plant-based diet can reduce your overall body fat percentage by improving your body’s ability to digest food. Plant-based foods have a more positive effect on your gut biome, which can improve insulin sensitivity and protect your body from diabetes.
How To Go Vegan: Easy Steps for Success
Thinking about going vegan? Here are a few practical, straightforward tips for anybody who’s interested in switching to a plant-based diet and adopting a greener, more planet-friendly lifestyle.
Step 1: Replace Animal-Derived Foods In Your Kitchen
As the saying goes, “You are what you eat.” As such, the first step of going vegan should be removing animal-derived foods and meat from your kitchen. This includes (but isn’t limited to):
- Meat
- Poultry/Birds/Fowl
- Fish
- Eggs
- Dairy (milk, cheese, whey, mayonnaise, etc.)
- Honey
Instead, find healthy, plant-based proteins to replace the meat in your diet.
Step 2: Shop Cruelty-Free
Your kitchen is the best place to start making changes. As you’re getting your diet figured out, though, also keep in mind that many of the mainstream cosmetics and hygiene products are not vegan either. Items like shampoo, conditioner, makeup, lipstick, and even face wash often contain animal-derived ingredients like:
- Shellac
- Dairy derivatives
- Gelatin
- Lanolin
- Collagen
- Tallow
- Squalene
- Beeswax
Additionally, many of these products are painfully tested on helpless, captive animals.
Vegan, cruelty-free products can easily be identified by looking for the cruelty-free bunny logo or by researching the ingredients listed on the back of the container. If you’re looking for some recommendations, I’ve reviewed some of the best vegan cleaners and face washes here.
Step 3: Take A Greener Approach To The Planet
A vegan lifestyle also means taking care of our planet. If you don’t already, try adding some of the following green routines to your daily life:
- Recycle plastics
- Limit (or eliminate) single-use plastics
- Use refillable containers for water, soap, and other essentials
- Try to purchase repurposed or thrifted clothing and furniture when possible
Going vegan typically doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process that can often take weeks or months. You might make a few mistakes here and there, but don’t let that discourage you from your long-term goals. It’s a lifelong process of learning and application.
As a result, you’ll be contributing to a healthier planet, you will not be causing the misery and slaughter of countless animals every year, you will be reducing carbon dioxide emissions and pollution, you will be saving precious water and saving our forests from being cut down, and you may even see some notable health benefits in your own body!
Credits: Guest Writer, Emma Wilson, Creator of Vegan Calm
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