Foods That Increase or Decrease the Risk of Cancer Infographic

Which foods increase or decrease the risk of cancer? Research is proving that plant-based foods reduce the risk of getting cancer and strengthen the chance of survival if you’re are diagnosed with cancer.
Animal-based foods actually increase the risk of certain cancers including colon, stomach, prostate and breast cancer. As the infographic shows—avoid red meat, dairy products, and grilled, fried and broiled meats to decrease your risk of cancer. Increase the number of soy products in your diet as well as fruits and vegetables, to decrease your risk of cancer and early mortality. A plant-based diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes—is associated with a lower cancer risk, as well as a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity and hypertension.
Infographic courtesy of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM).
Photo courtesy of Pixabay,