Extinction Soup – How Shark Fin Soup is Destroying Sharks
Every year between 26-76 million sharks are killed and die a slow, excruciating death for a bowl of shark fin soup. To save our oceans, we must save the shark. To save the shark, we save mankind. We must stop shark fin soup.
The Chinese say shark fin soup is part of their culture. But the fact is, the demand for shark fin soup is driving the destruction and extinction of shark populations all over the world. The Chinese and Japanese love of shark fin soup is not only maiming and killing millions and millions of sharks every year, it is wreaking havoc with the balance of sea and mammal life in our oceans and literally causing the extinction of an entire species of fish that our oceans depend on.
Along with the growing prosperity of the Chinese, and the economic rise of Singapore, Hong Kong and other Asian communities, the consumption of shark fin soup has also significantly increased. It was once a delicacy of the Chinese ruling class, but today it has become a must-have at Chinese restaurants and at many Asian and Chinese weddings, business dinners, banquets and events—and is destroying tens of millions of sharks every single year. Many of these sharks are caught only for their fins and sharks that have had their fins cut off—are still alive when their bodies are discarded back into the ocean where they die a slow and agonizing death. Finning is unconscionably cruel and inhumane to the animal, is deeply wasteful, and is wiping out life in the ocean—for a bowl of soup.
Filmmaker Philip Waller documents the efforts of conservationist Stefanie Brendl as she fights to educate lawmakers and help pass ground-breaking legislation that will curb the consumption of shark fin soup.
What You Can Do
- Don’t buy, eat, serve or support shark fin soup in any restaurant or event
- Ask local restaurants that serve shark fin soup—to remove the soup from the menu and stop serving it. Don’t patronize these restaurants. Make it known to them why you are walking out and won’t patronize them.
- If you travel to countries where shark fin soup is served—and it’s served at an event, special dinner, wedding or restaurant you attend, make a respectful request to order something else, and talk about your concern.
- Ask your company or business to stop serving shark fin soup at corporate or business events and dinners
- Do not serve shark fin soup at your wedding or dinner, or if invited, send a “No Shark Fin Soup” RSVP to the event
- Share your concern with business associates, friends and family – explain why you don’t want to eat, serve or support shark fin soup
- Support efforts in your community to BAN Shark fin soup
- Learn more about shark finning and download the Shark Fin brochure
- Please Sign – Say NO to the Shark Fin Trade Petition!
- Take the “I’m Finished With Fins” PLEDGE
Some Facts and Statistics
- There has been a 90 percent DECREASE in some shark populations in the last 20 years
- 30-73 million sharks are maimed and killed every year for shark-fin soup and meat
- 100 million people in China are eating shark fin soup every year and the number is growing
- Sharks tend to reproduce very slowly taking years to reach reproductive maturity. Sharks produce few young
- Many shark populations cannot keep up with the number that is being fished, finned and killed every year – causing rapidly declining populations
- Some seaports in Japan maim and kill 6000-7000 sharks every single day
- One single boat in Taiwan unloads 7000 shark fins from one boat in a day
- Sharks are considered a “keystone” species and removing them could cause the complete collapse of the food web in the ocean
- Shark fins are unhealthy and can contain heavy metals like mercury and neurotoxins linked to degenerative brain diseases
Initial Release: March 8, 2014
Film Length: 60 Minutes
How to Watch the Film
Visit the website for Extinction Soup
More Articles to Read
WildAid – Sharks Are In Crisis
Shark Steward – Shark Finning and Shark Fin Facts
WildAid – Fins From up to 73 Million Sharks Are Used for Shark Fin Soup
Shark Allies – Taking Action to Save Sharks
Huffington Post Interview – With Documentary Filmmaker Philip Waller & Executive Producer Stefanie Brendl
Film Credits
- Director / Producer: Philip Waller
- Screenplay: Philip Waller
- Music: Randy Miller
- By: Sea-to-Sky Productions