Eating Our Way To Extinction
“There is one thing driving the destruction of our ecosystem more than anything else—animal agriculture.”
“Animal agriculture is the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about.”
The film clearly argues that the biggest way each person can impact our planet today is with a shift to a plant-based diet.
Film Length: 1 hour 45 minutes
Film Premier: Sept. 2021 (U.S. debut)
Watch the Film
Check the website for a list of theaters showing the film – will be streaming online soon.

Quotes from the Film
“There is one thing driving the destruction of our ecosystem more than anything else—animal agriculture.”
“Animal agriculture is the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about.”
“Species extinction, hunger, climate change, the destruction of our rainforests—are all caused by animal agriculture.”
“The global demand for meat is driving the destruction of our planet.”
“The Amazon Rainforest and the world’s rainforests—once pristine—are being destroyed in order to eat animals.”
“We have doused our land with pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and chemicals. Most of the human impact on the land is due to animal agriculture.”
“The Amazon rainforest is being torn down and decimated by growing feed for animals raised for food.”
“Each year, rainforests and forests are being lost the size of Panama due to animal agriculture.”
“By 2030, only 10 percent of the world’s rainforests will remain.”
“Each year, the Amazon’s tribal Indians’ villages are burned to the ground, and the tribes are killed—replaced by and for animal agriculture.”
“The rivers are being poisoned in the Amazon by pesticides for soy and corn crops raised to feed animals and livestock.”
“Cargill is now the one company that is the biggest producer/emitter of greenhouse gasses and carbon dioxide in the world.”
“Big animal agriculture and livestock farming is responsible for more greenhouse gasses and carbon dioxide than ALL the transportation in the world, combined.”
“Animal agriculture is causing enormous Dead Zones in our oceans, that are growing in size. Years ago, these Dead Zones did not exist. The millions of miles of agriculture land used to raise animals and feed—is heavily fertilized, and causing these gigantic ocean Dead Zones around the world’s coastlines.”
“People who are switching to eating fish instead of land animals is causing fish stocks to crash. The world’s fisheries are expected to collapse in 30 years. Our taste for fish is draining our oceans of life.”
“One-third of all edible fish caught in the ocean are fed to animals.”
“Fish farming causes significant disease problems in fish that is so enormous daily high doses of antibiotics are given to these fish farms to control the lice and abnormal diseases developed caused by overcrowding and chemicals used.”
“The fish food fed to farmed fish contains high levels of chemicals.”
“Climate warming methane is released from fish farms, even more methane than from cow farming.”
“Farmed salmon is not a healthy product – it’s fake, contaminated with chemicals, most of the fish die, and fish are so diseased and full of chemicals they look like zombies – the ones that end up on our plates look like monsters.”
“The dirty secret the fish farming industry does not expose is the heavy use of PCBs, dioxin, artificial food coloring, and formaldehyde routinely used. Workers spray the chemicals right into the fish pens every morning. This is what consumers are eating.”
“Eating fish today has never been more toxic. The ocean is now 7 billion people’s dumping ground.”
“Tony Robbins discovered after taking a blood test, that his blood mercury concentration was 125 mcg/L when a normal level of mercury in the blood should be well below 20 mcg/L.” Mercury levels greater than or equal to 50 mcg/L are considered significant, and above 100 mcg/L is mercury poisoning.
“80 percent of the discarded plastic in the ocean comes from discarded fishing gear—nets, fishing lines–all thrown overboard by fishing boats. Adding to the 5 trillion tons of plastic in the ocean.”
“Much of the fish that people are eating have accumulated plastic in them, which is toxic, causing toxic plastic accumulation in humans.”
“The last time we had a massive extinction event on the planet was 65 million years ago. Today we are in the 6th mass extinction event, the first caused by humans. The biggest thing we can do is to change our diet—no fish, no animals, no dairy. Instead shifting to a plant-based diet.”
“Methane has caused 1/3 of global warming and livestock is the primary cause. Nitrous oxide and methane are potent causes of global warming.”
“Over 75 percent of antibiotics made are given to farm animals. For people that eat animals, it causes antibiotic resistance.”
“The likelihood of a global food system collapse is eminent. People don’t realize our food system is collapsing.”
“The livestock sector is the biggest water consumer in the world.”
“Animal agriculture is the most destructive industry on our planet.”
Systemic problems caused by animal agriculture and a meat, dairy and fish-based diet. For solutions, visit the website,
- Current atmospheric levels of methane will push Earth into dangerous warming, even if carbon dioxide emissions are stopped entirely. The largest source of methane is animal agriculture.
- Dangerous climate change is already upon us, in the form of extreme weather and more intense, extended fire seasons, with a lot worse to come.
- Water scarcity has already created millions of climate refugees and even armed conflict. Producing the expected amount of food by 2050 is simply not possible without a major change in diet.
- Forest destruction and degradation produces a fifth of global greenhouse emissions. Agriculture, particularly for livestock feed and pasture, is by far the greatest forest destroyer.
- Biodiversity, the web of life that we depend on is being destroyed. We are losing plants and animals so fast we have crossed the biodiversity planetary boundary, threatening ecosystem collapse.
- Half the world’s original topsoil has been lost and a third of arable land is degraded. The solution lies in the way we farm and what we produce.
- Fishing has wiped out one species after another to satisfy our insatiable appetites. The billions of dollars spent on fishing subsidies equate to more fishing capacity than there are fish in the ocean.
- The oceans are dying. Oceans provide half the oxygen we breathe. Greenhouse gases are making the oceans warmer and more acidic destroying coral reefs and many marine ecosystems.
Film Credits
Film Directors: Ludo Brockway, Otto Brockway
Film Editor: Otto Brockway
Cinematography: Ludo Brockway, Paul Barton
Executive Producers: Kate Winslet, Richard Branson, Rebekah Caudwell, Nicolas Dupart, Matthew Glover
- Kate Winselt
- Richard Branson
- Tony Robbins
- Jeremy Rifkin
- Sylvia Earle
- Olivier De Schutter
The film was created by Broxstar Productions
Film Length: 1 hour 45 minutes
Film Premier: Sept. 2021 (U.S. debut)
More Information About the Film
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Produced by Broxstar Productions