Dr. David Sztybel’s Comparison between Agriculture Animals and the Nazi Holocaust

“For the animals it is an eternal Treblinka.”
Dr. Sztybel is an academic professor specializing in animal rights. Among his many works is a 50-point comparison between the Nazi Holocaust and the treatment of animals farmed for food, which has been expanded from his previous 36-point comparison published in a peer-reviewed academic journal.
In this lecture at the University of Toronto, Dr. Sztybel describes the experiences of some of his family members as Jews during the 3rd Reich and compares them to the experiences of billions of farm animals every year. He also shares his 50-Point Holocaust Comparison Project revealing the comparisons between the Holocaust and the exploitation and torture of animals for food, clothing, entertainment, research, etc.
Film Length: 1 Hour, 23 Minutes
The Holocaust Comparison Project (Dr. Sztybel)
De-Sensitization– The Nazis practiced “de-sensitization” projects to de-sensitize the Nazi soldiers to acts of horror, terror, causing suffering and causing death to Jews.
Vivisection– The vivisection of animals is similar to what the doctors of the Holocaust practiced on Jews – forcing their abortions, conducting research surgeries, inflicting pain and suffering intentionally, etc.
Vermin– Where Nazis compared women to rats and other animals.
Hunting– Where Jews were hunted down by the Nazis, as we hunt animals down.
Skinning– Jews were skinned to make lamp shades and other objects. Jews were scalped to stuff pillows, as animals are skinned to make unnecessary clothing.
Tallow– Soap was made from human fat, like tallow that comes from sheep to make soap and isn’t necessary.
Gold teeth– Teeth used from Jews were extracted and sold for profit; the same with slaughtered animals where they are slaughtered for profit and their teeth are used in rendering.
Entertainment– Breaking the spirits of animals for entertainment is done through electric prods, whips, bull hooks, and other devices of torture and pain; and Jews were forced to entertain or they were routinely tortured. See more here: The Holocaust Comparison Project.
More Information
Visit Dr. Sztybel’s Website – Dr. David Sztybel
Read more about – The Holocaust Comparison Project
Read the definition of the Holocaust – Encyclopedia Britannica
Quotes from the Video
“The Nazis were very successful in their campaigns because they wiped out some 72% of Europe’s Jews, just as we kill billions of animals a year for food.”
“The systematic indifference to the suffering of animals was cultivated by the Germans, and it is in our society too. It is that complacency that is keeping people from peeking into these issues and taking them seriously.”
“The indifference to the suffering of Holocaust victims and exploited animals is very similar.”
“Human violence over animals seems to make non-human violence against humans’ pale by comparison.”
“In the Dreaded Comparison book, black slavery and slavery is compared to animal slavery. There is a profound relationship in the similarity between oppressor and the oppressed.”
“The Veal Industry – The Lie of Humaneness. Calves are sold as babies into the veal industry. They are taken from their mothers’ hours or days after being born. They can hardly stand at auction. They are permanently confined in tiny stalls, to force them to stand without moving. They crave iron because they are given an iron-deprived diet, so they have diarrhea, slip on the diarrhea, are tethered so tightly they cannot turn around – otherwise, they will lick their urine or feces to get their iron. They lie in their own waste, they get no fresh air or sunlight. Cows, their mothers, bellow and mourn for their babies sometimes for days after their baby is ripped away from them. The calves are bored, restless, are kept in the dark and go blind, they smell ammonia and the stench of diarrhea 24/7.”
“The Holocaust of the animals is still going strong. After World War II the Holocaust ended for the Jews. Genocide has happened again to humans. But for the animals, their Holocaust continues completely unnecessarily.”
“I’m hoping this comparison shared in this lecture will deepen the wells of sensitivity and gravity for Animal Liberation.”
Video Credits
Speaker – Dr. David Sztybel