Category: Resources & Education

The resources presented here provide an aggregation of information from a variety of great resources and websites, to help inform on a number of different topics.

Videos – These videos represent a variety of different voices including non-profits, investigative journalists and reporters, scientists, doctors and scholars, about industrial animal farming and other ways animals are exploited today, and what you can do to help.

Films & Movies – These documentary films examine our food system and its impacts, and also look at the reality of our industrial system of farming and the impacts it is having on our planet.

Books – These books inspire the questioning, both individually and collectively, of our industrialized food and farming system, and how to transform our food decisions to make more healthful and compassionate choices. These books attempt to address the deeply engrained cultural norms about our food and food choices, and the connections between our food, culture, and many health and environmental problems that are a result.

Organizational Links – The organizations listed are reputable leaders advocating for animal rights and welfare; the humane treatment of farm animals; ethical food; animal welfare and protection; and fighting industries cruel to animals.

Materials/Print – A variety of downloadable materials and resources that can be given and shared with others.

Quotes and Poems – A collection of poems, stories and quotes by famous and not-so-famous people about animals.

Conference Session Summaries – In order to capture the knowledge imparted at important conferences with knowledgeable speakers, these conference summaries are a way of sharing these sources of information, so they are not lost. The writing down of the spoken word keeps the words alive and shares and spreads the wisdom. Each conference is a wealth of critical information that can inspire new action, new behavior, and new ways of thinking to solve complex problems and to transition us to a more humane, compassionate world where animals no longer suffer for us.

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