Category: Factory Farming
This documentary exposes the ugly truth behind modern industrial animal farming in the U.S. It begins, “What you’re about to see is beyond your worst nightmare.” Today, the farming of animals has radically changed...
Cowspiracy, The Sustainability Secret (released in 2014) reveals the truth about the devastating negative impact that industrial animal agriculture and factory farming is having on our environment today. Cowspiracy takes a candid look at how...
Learn about how to end factory farming in this animated, short 2-minute video by Animals Australia. We’re at a critical point in human history where the detrimental effects of factory farming and industrial animal...
Food and Water Watch has produced the first map to chart the geographical distribution of factory farms in the U.S. The companion report, Factory Farm Nation, explains the forces driving factory farms, as well...
The majority of meat, dairy and egg production today takes place inside warehouse-like factory farms, also known officially as Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). In addition to forcing animals to live in cruel and inhumane...
Andrew Gunther, Program Director of Animal Welfare Approved (AWA), talks about the enormous unintended consequences of our broken food system–one based on industrial agriculture and factory farms. His presentation focuses on three key questions,...
Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), gives this TedX Talk on industrial animal agriculture, and the egregious abuse of power done by the meat, dairy and egg industries...
The Life of a Factory Farm Cow Raised for Beef Today, over 32,459,000 cattle are slaughtered for beef in the U.S. (2013) Cattle raised for beef start life on the range being grass fed...
The Life of a Factory Farm Pig There are 117,126 million pigs slaughtered in the U.S. every year for the pork industry. And there are over 6 million pigs used each year for breeding,...
The Life of a Factory Farm Dairy Cow Today’s 9-million factory farm dairy cows suffer immeasurably their entire lives. Cows are ruminant animals, which means they need to graze on grass to sustain their...