Category: Conference Session Summaries
In order to capture the knowledge imparted at important conferences with knowledgeable speakers, these conference summaries are a way of sharing these sources of information, so they are not lost. The writing down of the spoken word keeps the words alive and shares and spreads the wisdom. Each conference is a wealth of critical information that can inspire new action, new behavior, and new ways of thinking to solve complex problems and to transition us to a more humane, compassionate world where animals no longer suffer for us.
Speaker: Mary Britton Clouse, President, Chicken Run Rescue, Mary Britton Clouse has served as President of Minnesota Animal Rights Coalition, founded the Minnesota Spay/Neuter Project, Legislative Efforts for Animal Protection, and most recently...
Speaker: Robert Grillo, Director, Free From Harm Robert Grillo is the director of Free From Harm, a nonprofit animal rescue, education and advocacy organization. Grillo’s perspective is one from the lens of how popular...
Speaker: Marji Beach, Advocacy and Education Director, Animal Place Beach started the session with wanting to reframe the way people think about exploited farm animals. She asked, “if we can justly and compassionately raise...
Speaker: Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, Best-Selling Author Colleen Patrick-Goudreau is an award-winning author, public speaker, educator, and has guided people on becoming vegan for over 16 years. Patrick-Goudreau is hard-hitting right from the start with the...
Speaker: Karen Davis, Ph.D., United Poultry Concerns Karen Davis, Ph.D., is the President and Founder of United Poultry Concerns; is an author of several books on the poultry industry, and maintains a sanctuary for...
Speaker: Ethan Brown, CEO and Co-Founder of Beyond Meat Ethan Brown, is the CEO and co-founder of Beyond Meat, a plant-based replacement for animal protein. Brown’s new company, Beyond Meat, produces products that replace...