Category: Bees, Butterflies, Insects
“Are bees the canary-in-the-coal mine?” Bees are dying in the millions every single year. It is an ecological disaster and crisis that threatens our food supply and global agriculture. This documentary explores the reasons...
“Einstein underlined the symbiotic relationship that bees have with mankind: “If bees were to disappear from the globe,” he predicted, “mankind would only have four years left to live.” Academy Award-nominated director Markus Imhoof...
This visually stunning, artistic and inspiring documentary examines the catastrophic disappearance of the honeybee around the world, revealing the problems and possible causes of colony collapse disorder as well as viable solutions to rebuilding...
This fascinating documentary chronicles the sudden disappearance of honeybees that started in 2006 when two beekeepers made the shocking discovery that their honeybee hives were empty. David Hackenberg was the first to discover the...