The Bond, by Wayne Pacelle
The Bond
By Wayne Pacelle
The Bond is written by one of America’s most important champions of animal welfare, Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). The book is divided into three key parts. Part One, begins with a deep exploration of our biological and historical relationship with animals and reveals new findings of animals emotional intelligence and cognitive capacities. In Part Two, Pacelle unravels the underpinnings of the “Betrayal of the Bond” through his close examination of factory farming, American slaughterhouses, the world of animal fighting, the government’s role in culling wildlife for ranchers, reckless breeders and the cruel business of puppy mills, and the problem of American animal shelters today where too many animals are systematically euthanized. Pacelle shows the reader how our bond with animals is being broken in each of these areas and how business, industry and government are exploiting and using animals for profit, gain and personal agendas, and causing their deep suffering. In the final section, the book addresses the opponents and critics of animal protection and highlights the groups and industries that are obstructing progress for a more humane world, including the National Rifle Association (NRA); agribusiness organization such as the American Farm Bureau (AFB); and the American Kennel Club and surprisingly, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). Pacelle underscores the critical importance of building a “humane economy,” not built on the suffering, abuse, exploitation and misery we’re causing animals today—but on our moral and ethical calling for greater stewardship, protection and care of animals everywhere.
Wayne Pacelle has been with the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) for over 21 years and 11 years as President and CEO. He’s played a leading role in making HSUS the nation’s largest and most dynamic animal protection agencies in the world today.
Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and through many smaller booksellers.