Until Every Animal is Free, by Saryta Rodriguez
Until Every Animal is Free
By Saryta Rodriguez
Until Every Animal is Free is a book about the animal liberation movement and how we can help animals. The book dispels the many myths propagated by business and industry that use animals for profit, such as how “humane-washing” is used to get consumers to feel less guilty in order to buy meat, dairy and eggs. Rodriguez goes into detail dissecting marketing speak such as “cage-free,” “grass-fed,” and many other buzzwords the meat and dairy industries use for marketing that are deceiving and false. Rodriguez challenges the Myth of Human Supremacy, and explores some of the ideological pillars behind the belief that humans are superior to all other animals. Rodriguez says, “This book aims to encourage aspiring activists, as well as ‘closeted vegans,’ to find their voice—to have those important-albeit-awkward conversations with friends and family about animal liberation and even take their message to the streets.”
Saryta Rodriguez is a graduate of Columbia University. She spent a year in Phoenix, Arizona, where she joined PALS (Phoenix Animal Liberation Squad), and then joined Direct Action Everywhere in Oakland, where she was an active member until September 2015. The book is available in Kindle or Paperback formats. Available on Amazon.