The World Peace Diet, Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony
The World Peace Diet, Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony
By Will Tuttle, Ph.D
I think The World Peace Diet should be required reading for everyone no matter what your diet preferences are. In this powerful and transformative work, Dr. Tuttle argues for a spiritual consciousness about our eating and diet. He asks us to question the underlying assumptions of our American culture that is not only devastating and destructive to our external environment, but also to our inner human spirit. He talks about the violence and brutality toward animals that is built into our American food system, and the routine mistreatment and abuse toward animals for our food–and sheds light on what this does to us spiritually as people. He explains the “reductionist” mentality of Western cultures where we routinely reduce living beings to things, to commodities for our pleasure, and the elitism that we maintain toward other species in order to subjugate them. He reminds us how all beings, human and animals, have the same inherent interests – not to suffer, not to feel pain, to stay alive and not to die, and to avoid being mistreated, and yet we deny animals all of these inherent and common interests we share with them.
Dr. Tuttle exposes our mentality of domination and exploitation over other living beings, and affirms our attitude of “disconnectedness” from the animals we eat and how this “cultural programming” of eating animals starts at a very early age and is unquestioned until our consciousness is raised.
Dr. Tuttle asks us for a complete cultural revolution away from eating animals for food, and instead, to embrace a vegan, plant-based diet that is kinder, non-violent, is spiritually aligned with who we are, and is far healthier.
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