Dr. Will Tuttle on The World Peace Diet
Will Tuttle, Ph.D., author of the powerful and important book, The World Peace Diet, discusses some of the key tenets of his book. In this presentation, Dr. Tuttle talks about the interconnectedness we have with all living beings and life; our culture of “disconnectedness” with our eating and a food system that uses animals for food; the violence and brutality of our animal-based food system, which is based on a mindset of extreme exploitation, domination, and the severe mistreatment of food animals; how our culture has “numbed” us to accepting a mentality of violence toward food animals, and the “programming” that starts at a very young age to eat animals — that’s unquestioned. Instead, Dr. Tuttle asks us to align our behavior with a belief system of being kind to all living beings, and embracing a cultural and spiritual revolution that reduces the suffering and violence towards animals by adopting a plant-based, vegan diet.
Sponsored by: Vegetarian Society of Hawaii http://www.vsh.org
Filming and editing by: Dr William Harris M.D.
Speaker and Author: Dr. Will Tuttle, Ph.D