40 Ways to Help and Protect Endangered and Wild Animals—Everyday
Humans and human activities impose the greatest threat to the survival and well-being of wildlife today. Here are just a few of the biggest challenges and impacts caused by humans on wildlife:
- Land development
- Ranching and livestock grazing in wildlife habitat
- Deforestation due to ranching, livestock grazing, and growing feed for livestock
- Pollution from sewage, trash, agricultural toxins and waste, industrial and commercial waste, exhaust and emissions
- Overfishing and over-harvesting of fish species
- Use of fertilizers, toxic chemicals, pesticides, herbicides and insecticides
- Exploitation of wildlife for food, fur, pets, medicines, sport and entertainment
- Exploitation of animals for the pet trade, zoos and biomedical research
- Hunting, trapping and fishing
- Illegal poaching and trading of wild animals
- Trophy and sport hunting of endangered, exotic and wild animals
- Invasive species and disease
And as our human population and resource needs grow, we are leaving less and less room for wildlife. But the good news is that each of us can play a role in helping wild animals by making the world a better place for them. Become a compassionate crusader through your words, actions and support — by doing one or more of these ideas.
Here are some ways to help and protect wildlife – Everyday
- Go outside and connect with wildlife – take a walk and see and enjoy the wildlife all around you—the birds, reptiles and small and large mammals. Spend more time outside appreciating, enjoying and learning about wildlife.
- Volunteer – at your local wildlife refuge, wildlife rehabilitation hospital, nature reserve or nature center, botanical garden or zoo.
- Speak up for wildlife – Become a voice for wildlife on social media. Speak up and speak out against wildlife illegal poaching, wild animal exploitation, sport hunting of wild animals, overfishing, the illegal pet trade, circuses, wild animals used for entertainment, and much more.
- Pick up someone else’s litter – you know not to litter, but picking up someone else’s litter can save the life of an animal. Pick up any plastic bags, plastic of any kind, small items, fishing line, anything that can be mistaken for food, ingested, go down storm drains to the ocean, or can trap and suffocate them.
- Volunteer for local conservation projects – Donate your time for ocean beach cleanups, planting trees, local park or stream cleanups, building wildlife habitats and gardens, or working at a zoo.
- Watch wildlife and wild animal films – Learn about the lives and issues many animals are facing today, then circulate them on social media, encourage friends and family to watch them too, and share that you watched these films.
- Sign petitions that protect wildlife – Pledge your commitment, then help raise awareness by “sharing” the petition on social media.
- Take a stand for wildlife – read about then join the bold vision and conservation strategy of Wildlife Conservation Society.
- Reduce your environmental impact – try to have the smallest possible negative impact or environmental footprint you can, then reduce your footprint more.
- Consume responsibly – don’t buy or support the purchase of any product made from native wildlife, marine life, or illegally-sourced wildlife – old or new, antique or modern.
- Never purchase products from threatened or endangered species – when traveling to a foreign country, or shopping overseas, or shopping in your local area, never buy souvenirs or products that support the illegal wildlife trade, exotics, endangered or threatened species, or are from animals – period. Here’s a Watch List to know about.
- Don’t fuel the demand by buying ivory of any kind – avoid raw or carved ivory from the teeth or tusks of elephants, whales, walruses, narwhals, or seals. These all are known to fuel the illegal trade in elephant ivory.
- Know the source of the material – ask what the product is made of? Where did the product come from? Check the source of material used for handbags, wallets, and clothing – never buy pelts, skins, fur, claws, teeth, tusks or any animal part or ingredient.
- Teach your children about wildlife – vacation and visit a wildlife refuge, wildlife rehabilitation hospital, nature reserve or nature center, botanical garden or zoo, or national park.
- Be a whistleblower – contact the local authorities about any illegal poaching, fishing, wildlife collecting or capturing, or trafficking. Don’t stay silent! Contact your state wildlife department.
- Don’t harass or kill wildlife – don’t shoot, trap, hunt, injure or capture a wild animal (they have enough challenges as it is).
- Donate money to organizations – donate money to help support the work of wildlife nonprofit organizations that are engaged and active in protecting natural habitats or protecting wildlife. They need your support!
- Join a conservation organization – find an organization that you think is doing great work is saving wildlife and protecting wildlife habitats and endangered species and join them! Become a member, donate, volunteer, and participate.
- Read, learn, and research – get informed and educated about what is happening to wildlife and wildlife habitats today. Learn the issues, challenges and how you can help.
- Foster and help rehabilitate wild animals – partner with your local wildlife rehabilitation hospital and foster injured and orphaned animals or become a trained wildlife rehabilitator! Here’s a good place to start.
- Turn your yard and garden into a wildlife haven – here are 40 ways to help animals in your backyard.
- Take a free online class on wildlife conservation – learn all about wildlife conservation and endangered species in several free wildlife conservation programs available.
- Remove invasive plants – and plant native plants and shrubs in your garden that replace them, and will welcome native animals and birds and butterflies.
- Recycle, reduce and reuse – reduce your carbon footprint, energy use, and use of natural resources—by buying and consuming less and reusing and recycling more.
- Slow down driving! – many wild animals today live in our suburbs and towns, drive more slowly so you can brake for animals.
- Avoid using herbicides, pesticides, or any toxins on your property – use natural and organic products instead of any chemical pollutants that are poisonous, harmful and take a very long time to degrade.
- Adopt an at-risk animal – this can really help support the survival of a particular species. Organizations you can adopt an animal from include World Wildlife Fund, Defenders of Wildlife, and National Wildlife Federation (adopt an acre).
- Make habitat happen in your backyard – make your land better for wildlife by protecting, restoring and managing habitat on your property.
- Become a citizen scientist or naturalist! – join a citizen scientist program and study up, then join and support professional researchers, do wildlife monitoring, or collect needed habitat and wildlife data – you can work locally or nationwide. Contact your local university, city or state government.
- Learn how to build a Monarch Butterfly waystation – help create, conserve and protect Monarch habitats by building a Monarch waystation.
- Join the annual bird count – track bird species for the National Audubon Society through their “great backyard bird count” across the U.S. and Canada.
- Donate land or sell ownership of your land to a conservation group – if you own land and want to protect the land for wildlife into the future, you can create a Voluntary Conservation Easement or Conveyance of Full Ownership.
- Get help managing your land – work with professionals like county foresters and wildlife biologists to make your land more habitable and protected for wildlife.
- Support your local land trusts – donate or volunteer for land trusts in your area that conserve important wildlife habitats and land for future generations.
- Get educated – take classes, attend workshops and trainings to learn more about wildlife conservation and management.
- Turn lawns into fescue grass or reduce mowing your lawn – let your lawn grow tall, mow it once a year, or replace your grass altogether with natural fescue grass or a wildlife-friendly garden.
- Teach conservation – learn how to give a walk or talk in your town with United For Wildlife or another Wildlife Stewardship program.
- Consider a career in conservation or a career change! – here are some popular careers in wildlife conservation and how to find your dream job working with and for wildlife.
- Commune with other wildlife enthusiasts! – join other like-minded people who are supporting wildlife, learn about the National Wildlife Federation’s Community Wildlife Habitat Program.
- Consider your impact in buying/building a house – widespread destruction of habitat is one of the greatest threats to wildlife, avoid buying or building a house that destroys or encroaches on wildlife territory. Consider your impact.
And remember to share your passion and concern for the animals and environment with friends, family, your community and the world!
Credits: Photo by Pixabay, www.pixabay.com