2040, A Hopeful Vision for the Future
“What would the world look like in 2040, if we embrace the best of what exists today, to create the solutions to some of the world’s most challenging problems?”
Award-winning director Damon Gameau embarks on a journey to explore what the future would look like by the year 2040 if we simply embraced the best solutions already available to us to improve our planet and shifted them into the mainstream. Designed to be a moving picture letter to his 4-year-old daughter, Gameau explores practical solutions to the world’s most challenging and pressing environmental concerns today, with the hope that the filmmaker’s daughter will face a far more hopeful, promising future when she turns 21 in 2040.
Filmed around the world in Australia, Singapore, India, Sweden, Africa, the UK, and the U.S.A., Gameau investigates solutions for climate change, animal agriculture, renewable energy and energy efficiency, food shortages, waste and recycling, transportation, and how to create thriving urban centers. His aspirational journey leads him to consult with business leaders, industry experts, and political leaders worldwide to find the best regenerative solutions that will improve the well-being of the planet and all living systems. He seamlessly integrates these interviews with his candid conversations with children who share their deepest concerns for the planet and highest hopes for the future.
The documentary seeks to inspire people to see that the changes needed to take place today are at hand and possible—and are already in the making. 2040 is a hopeful film that not only sheds a bright light on our biggest global challenges, but also asserts a positive vision for the future, and how each of us can make the difference that is needed.
Film Length – 1 Hour, 31 Minutes
Film Premier – 2019
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To find out what you can do today to create a better future, visit: www.whatsyour2040.com

Quotes from the Film
“As a father, I think there is room for a different story—a story that focuses on the solutions of some of these challenging problems. What would the world look if the solutions that I find, were implemented today?”
“Since the Industrial Revolution, we have broken the carbon balance and have been dramatically increasing the release of stored carbon into the atmosphere.”
“We have increased the carbon into the atmosphere by 40 percent to over 400 parts-per-million, from 200 parts-per-million before the Industrial Revolution.”
“Our climate has never changed so rapidly in at least 50 million years.”
“Governments now spend $10 million per minute subsidizing fossil fuels.”
“In the U.S. right now, road vehicles contribute to 20 percent of total emissions. But the prediction is for one billion cars in the world by 2040.”
“Two things are going to happen; we’re going to have a massive fleet of driverless cars that will pick us up and take us places. The other one, is it is going to be 4x more expensive to own personal cars than it is to access autonomous electric vehicles, shared transportation, or on-demand transport.”
“Owning a car became a symbol of freedom, class and individuality.”
“Two-thirds of L.A. is parking and roads.”
“It’s likely the inner cities will be driverless only. If enough of us embrace ridesharing we could reclaim our cities for humans, instead of for vehicles, and generate millions of new jobs.”
“With the extra space in our cities, we could have low-cost sustainable homes, growth of the re-manufacturing industry, urban food farms located in empty parking lots, and fresh local food growing on our roof-tops.”
“If no one is going to buy petrol cars, then oil demand will decline dramatically, and it will never come back.”
“The bonus is that you can now actually hear the birds singing in the middle of the city!”
“Vested interests spend one billion per year, preventing us from lowering our emissions. Just like the tobacco industry did. They create websites full of misinformation. They use fake bots to pretend they’re humans acting like they have more support than they actually do.”
“If we ceased all emissions today, and went to zero emissions, we would still be toast – we’re already over the tipping point. We must now remove excess carbon from the atmosphere and store it.”
Paul Hawkins of Project Drawdown, “We need to change agricultural activities first and foremost.”
“Our constant plowing of the soil to grow food is one of the leading causes of climate change releasing carbon. It’s a larger cause of climate change now than burning fossil fuels.”
“Cattle never evolved to eat grain and that’s what we feed them in these huge feedlots – and the meat that we eat from these cows is not even good for us – because of the grain they eat in the feedlots.”
“Agriculture needs to become part of the solution, instead of part of the problem like it is now.”
“We could see many feedlots close down, and animals return to the land for regenerative farming. We could feed the animals grass and food waste.”
“Between 70-80 percent of the food in the world is created by small farms. Industrial Ag produces only 20 percent of the food in the world for wealthy countries – and it produces sickness, disease, diabetes, and heart disease.”
“Marine Permaculture is a way of farming in the oceans that will allow the oceans to regenerate itself.”
“93 percent of global warming is going into the ocean today each year, so the ocean is getting too warm and there are not enough nutrients, so we are losing marine life in the ocean. Many fish species are in danger of collapse.”
“We need governments that proactively prevent disasters, not always react to disasters.”
“Investment in marine permaculture around the world could produce countless jobs and reduce our meat consumption, while sequestering staggering amounts of carbon.”
“We could feed 10 billion people with the protein from marine permaculture—alone.”
“My greatest hope is that girls throughout the world have access to educational opportunities, the cascading benefits of this, could be greater than anything else I have discovered.”
“If people keep doing what they are doing now, the world won’t be a very good place (child).”
Film Crew
Written and Directed by: Damon Gameau
Executive Producers: Ian Darling, Malinda Wink, Mark Monroe, Paul Wiegard, William Gammon, Justin Baird
Good Thing Productions, ReGen Pictures, in association with Shark Island Institute
- Damon Gameau
- Zoe Gameau
- Eva Lazzaro