Until All Are Free, An Urgent Call to Action
“The subtext of every meal is that certain beings are superior, and others are inferior, so there is this basic sense of entitlement and basic sense of ‘might makes right’, those who are strong can use, abuse, and exploit those who are less powerful.” ~ Dr. Will Tuttle
Until All Are Free is an short, potent documentary with an all-star group of activists and academics about the interconnection of all beings on our planet. It is a film about how humans’ feelings and behavior of entitlement, superiority, and dominance over those weaker and more powerless, is leading to all the injustices and suffering in the world—to exploiting and abusing animals, to people, and to destroying the environment.
The film underscores the urgency that our future depends on humanity making the connection with all sentient beings and treating them with the respect and compassion they and we deserve. This film is a wake-up call for humanity before it’s too late for our future survival.
“We can continue on this path we’re on—a path of greed, selfishness, indifference, xenophobia, racism, sexism, ableism, speciesism, misogyny and environmental destruction—a path that is leading to the destruction of our civilization and ultimately the destruction of our beautiful life-giving planet. Or we can wake-up from the delusion of superiority and live in harmony with all animal species and the truth of our interconnection of all life. Of kindness, justice—and peace. We are all connected. We must look deeply to see the way we treat all beings—especially the most vulnerable—it matters. Like Martin Luther King, Jr., said, ‘Until all are free, none are free.’”
The highest calling in all religions—is living non-violence. We have two choices—one is add to the level of mercy in the world, the other is to add to the level of cruelty and misery in the world. It’s basic in religion to go with mercy and compassion.
May all beings be happy and free from suffering.
Film Length: 34 Minutes
Film Premier: 2020
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Quotes from the Film
“Underneath all this prejudice, exploitation, use and discrimination to each other, is this constant and ongoing violence toward animals, for food and other products, where we abuse them in the same way, and we have the same attitude of superiority and disconnectedness and lack of sensitivity—we reduce them to commodities. We harden our hearts toward animals to be able to eat them.”
“By eating animals, people who eat them are saying that their human momentary pleasure outweighs the horrific cruelty, and exploitation, and killing of animals.”
“The subtext of every meal is that certain beings are superior, and others are inferior, so there is this basic sense of entitlement and basic sense of ‘might makes right’, those who are strong can use, abuse and exploit those less powerful.”
“A just society, must include everyone – all sentient beings. Without this, you cannot have a just society.”
“The dairy industry is the worst, because baby newborn cows are ripped away from their mothers as soon as they are born. The bond between a mother cow and newborn baby is so unbelievably strong.”
“The newborn babies can barely walk, and they are abused from the day they are born. The footage in these facilities is just excruciating to watch. Men abuse them, they are such fragile babies, and they can barely walk—and men throw them literally on to—and off of trucks. These men are treating them like they are garbage. All these newborn babies want it to be with their mothers, they are incredibly fragile.”
“The worst animal ag industries are the chicken flesh industry, the fish industry, and the egg industry. The suffering of the chicken industry, the egg industry, and the factory farm fish industry, for each and every animal, is beyond anyone’s worst imaginings. These three animals are in excruciating pain their entire lives. These animals suffer exponentially worse than beef cows.”
“Chickens are the most abused land animal on this Earth. 9 billion chickens are abused and killed every year. Animal ag deprives them of the most basic joys of being alive, including getting daylight.”
“Chickens are all individuals, just like our dogs and cats, but as a species they are incredibly social, gentle, curious and smart. I had no idea what amazing little people chickens were. Most people don’t.”
“The cruelty of the beef industry is horrific. Cows are extremely painfully branded without pain relief—it’s third-degree burns. It’s excruciating to them. They’ll have their horns ripped out of their heads. They are castrated without pain relief—their testicles are ripped out of their scrotum without pain relief. Slaughter is excruciating, the trip to slaughter is excruciating. If these were dogs and cats, this would warrant federal cruelty charges.”
“The kinds of animals we raise in intensive confinement in order to eat are no less sentient or worthy of living and worthy of respect than animals who we cherish as household pets.”
“But instead, we have created a society filled with inequality, injustice, discrimination, suffering, disease, poverty, warfare—and with full knowledge are destroying our one and only planet.”
“When we look at the food system—the corporations are fueling all of this, they look at all beings, be human or non-human animals—as commodities, as an end to a means.”
“Look at any problem today—nationalism, racism, sexism, speciesism is all based on separation and supremacy by people.”
“There’s nothing natural about eating meat. When I was in Korea, people thought it was natural to eat dogs. It’s all culturally determined. We are products of our community.”
“There is not any rational, logical basis for discriminating between a cat or dog or a cow. It’s just cultural norms that have caused this.”
“Undercover investigation after undercover investigation is routinely uncovering abuses that demonstrates that animal cruelty is standard practice.”
“The livestock industry is closely linked to the most pressing environmental problems throughout the world. It needs to be a central aspect of public policy.” (Livestock’s Long Shadow, publication)
“I absolutely believe veganism is needed for a ‘just’ society.”
“There are the oppressors, and the oppressed. Humans are not entitled to exploit the planet.”
“Factory farms made meat cheap – but meat used to be life–how could ‘life’ have become so cheap?”
“Given that animals are sentient—we need to respect them, to allow them to live normal lives, to stop caging them, to stop shipping them to slaughter. Dietary shifts is where it’s at—the biggest shift will be made for animals then.”
“We can save our world … it’s a choice.”
Film Credits
Writer and Director: Tracey Glover
Filmed By: Tracey Glover and Jonathan Rosenberry
Guest Experts: Brenda Sanders, Lauren Ornelas, Dawn Moncrief, Erica Meier, Bruce Friedrich, Jonathan Balcombe, Will Tuttle, Tashi Nyima, Jian Yi, Mia McDonald, Terry Cummings, Dr. Lisa Kemmerer, and Kathy Jagoda