The Big Fat Lie – The Truth About How Eating Animal Products Can Cause Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes and an Early Death
The Big Fat Lie is a New Zealand documentary that follows Grant Dixon, well known film-maker and writer, following his unexpected heart attack and life-saving surgery at 58 years old. After four stents were put in to open his clogged arteries, he went on the pursuit to find out what caused his heart attack in an otherwise healthy, fit person. Following his surgery, Dixon came into contact with American physician Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, who was appearing on a radio show where he learned that his heart disease was completely preventable with a healthy, plant-based vegan diet removing all animal foods.
Dixon takes the viewer on an eye-opening personal journey by interviewing numerous professors, doctors and health and nutrition specialists, and cites many case studies where people have been healed from heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer and gastrointestinal diseases by transitioning to a vegan, plant-based diet.
The film is a provocative look at why the public is kept in the dark about eating a healthy diet that prevents disease and increases longevity, and is instead sold on a dangerous diet of meat, dairy and eggs that are directly linked to and cause heart disease, cancer, diabetes, auto-immune disorders, and an early death. Why? Because it’s very profitable for business and industry.
The film reveals the truth behind The Big Fat Lie.
Film Premier: 2018
Film Length: 1 Hour / 25 Minutes
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Plant-Based Alternatives to Animal Products
See Plant-based Cheese and Eggs
Quotes from the Film
“Many diseases could be avoided by taking out animal products, oils, refined foods – from our diet.”
“Eggs are the largest source of cholesterol in a diet. It has far more cholesterol than bacon and meat.”
“The American dietary guidelines says that we should eat as little as dietary cholesterol as possible. The egg industry funded the U.S. egg policy.”
“We are living in an era where the animal is no longer needed – we have plant-based milks, cheeses, and plant-based meats. It will be game-over for traditional animal agriculture.”
“Will we ever have a government willing to stand up to Big Food and Big Medicine? We have a simple choice, what is best for public health or what is best for private profits.”
“I am one of thousands who also discovered the truth, and who no longer believe THE BIG FAT LIE.”
“Our high meat-based diet is killing us. But meat is not a required part of any diet. We can reverse heart disease with diet.”
“Eat as many vegetables, and types of vegetables as you can. Remove all the meat and dairy, try it.”
“The New Zealand government encourages citizens to drink milk and dairy, to support the dairy farmers, even though dairy is extremely harmful to human health.”
“The CHIP program is a complete health program. There’s overwhelming evidence that a whole-foods, plant-based diet can reduce or eliminate all kinds of disease and sickness. These people don’t eat meat, dairy or poultry on the CHIP program.”
“Heart disease can be stopped and even reversed—by removing all animal foods.”
“When I found out that I could have just been on a plant-based, vegan diet and not had a heart attack, I was angry. Angry at the Minister of Health of my country.”
“The Minister of Health was trying to put meat in a positive light, because it’s a New Zealand export.”
“Countries with a high milk consumption, also have high rates of Diabetes. A1 milk is correlated with diabetes in children and with Type 1 diabetes.”
“Increasing your meat consumption, increases your risk of a variety of chronic diseases and an early death.”
“Higher vegetable intake correlates with a lower risk of cancer.”
“I became aware that A1 milk was definitely causing Type 1 diabetes, because milk destroys cells in the pancreas. The offending protein can also be released from A2 milk as well.” (Source: Devil in the Milk, written by Keith Woodford)
“Fonterra is New Zealand’s leading milk producer – it’s a big risk to their business to give a warning that dairy causes chronic disease, cancer and heart failure. It’s a risk they don’t want to take.”
“It’s well known that milk contributes to heart disease. Anyone who has a high intake of milk and dairy, has a high risk of disease and heart disease.”
“High saturated fat from animals is not good for heart disease. How to prevent a heart attack? The only diet can prevent heart disease and a heart attack is a whole-foods, plant-based diet.”
“Girls at the time of puberty through adult-hood—dairy makes no difference to their bones in a study.”
“Calcium and milk does not prevent bone fractures. Countries that have less dairy and less access to dairy, have much stronger bones and much fewer fractures.”
“There are other sources of calcium – tofu, dark green vegetables, broccoli and spinach that have high calcium in them.”
“When we get too much calcium in our bodies, then it is held in muscles and kidneys, and in our arteries – that is when heart disease comes into the picture.”
“Dairy products are implicated in Crohn’s disease due to bacteria found in cow’s milk. Eating broccoli can help with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Crohn’s disease.”
“People who are eating sausages for dinner, are eating close to 50% saturated fat. Without the water content, sausages are 62% fat.”
“My doctor suggested I do a plant-based diet for three months to get my cholesterol down, and in addition, it benefited my testosterone level, and estrogen down.”
“Paleo – is very bad for long-term health.”
“Fat burning on the BBQ is very dangerous stuff. The high temp makes the carcinogens and increases the carcinogenic compounds.”
“The way diet causes cancer – is in about 90% of cases that already have bacteria in the gut, and then heme and meat cause the existing bacteria to be called Virulent, which causes cancer. It can be a combination of total fat consumption, eating more meat, more processed meat – fat in the bowel can trigger cancer.”
“Big business has deep pockets – and they will go on the attack, the counterattack, and maintain public campaigns, even to get humans to eat foods that are very unhealthy and lead to disease and death. The food industry knowingly manipulates the food that makes one fat and sick, but it’s profitable for business.”
“If you eat too much fat you will get fatter. Period. Sugary drinks directly relate to obesity. They lead to weight gain, and Type 2 Diabetes.”
“Less meat, and more vegetables, fights prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is New Zealand’s most common cancer, and it’s attributable to consuming animal products.”
“Scientists are finding that specific fruits and vegetables, have a protective effect for certain cancers.”
“The evidence is unequivocal about diet and its impact.”
More Important Resources
Watch Cowspiracy
Watch Dairy is Scary
Watch Got The Facts on Milk?
Watch The Dark Side of Dairy
Watch the documentary What The Health
Watch the documentary Eating You Alive
Watch Milk, the Documentary
Watch Grieving Mothers – The Dairy Industry Steals Newborn Baby Calves from their Mothers
Read The Broad Study: A randomized controlled trial using a whole food plant-based diet in the community for obesity, ischemic heart disease or diabetes
Film Credits
Film Director: Grant Dixon
Screenplay: Grant Dixon
Cast: Grant Dixon, Dr. Murry Laugesent, Dr. Luke Wilson, Professor Keith Woodford, Professor Boyd Swinburn