Diet Fiction – How the Diet and Food Industries Are Making People Fatter and Sicker
“Red meat on average is 40% saturated fat, the leanest chicken breast is 30% saturated fat, and leanest wild-caught salmon is 20% saturated fat, and an egg is 20% saturated fat – so why would you want to consume these that promote heart disease, cancer and diabetes?”
The eye-opening documentary Diet Fiction follows filmmaker Michal Siewierski on an electrifying journey into the controversial world of weight loss and dieting, as he uncovers countless shocking facts and confronts common misconceptions, and misleading information propagated by the meat, dairy, egg and diet industry, the American government, global food corporations, and the medical-pharmaceutical complex, over the last many decades.
This highly informative documentary features some of the biggest names in health, nutrition, disease prevention, and plant-based nutrition, including the founder of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), Dr. Neal Barnard; author of How Not To Die, Dr. Michael Greger; famous plant-based medical doctors and surgeons—Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Kim Williams, and Dr. Matthew Lederman, M.D.; and a whole host of medical doctors, dietitians, nutritionists, scientists, health practitioners and health coaches—who all advocate for the truth, to dispel the marketing lies and false narratives, and help patients reverse chronic conditions including obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. All while promoting the only healthy way to eat to live a disease-free, long life – a plant-based, whole foods diet.
Diet Fiction will ultimately expose audiences to new disruptive ideas and science-based evidence that could potentially lead to long-term sustainable weight loss, significantly improved health, a much lower risk of chronic disease and premature death, while living a longer and healthier life.
“America is one of the sickest countries in the world because of dietary choices. Versus Blue Zone communities that eat a plant-based diet and live an average of 17+ years longer than the average Westerner.”
So why and how do people gain weight? What really does work for healthy weight loss? Are all diets created equal? What is the optimal way of eating to live the longest life possible, and be disease-free? Is weight loss by any means a good idea? What health problems does sugar cause? What causes chronic diseases in people? Why are people so overweight and obese today in the U.S? How dangerous is meat and dairy, and why? What serious health risks does eating cheese and dairy cause? What happens when people eat meat regularly? What causes cancer?
All of these questions and much more will be answered in this film.
Film Premier: November 2019
Film Length: 1 Hour, 25 Minutes
Watch the Film
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Other Food & Diet Documentaries to Watch
Watch What The Health
Watch Forks Over Knives
Watch The Game Changers
Watch The Big Fat Lie
Watch Eating You Alive
Watch Cowspiracy

Quotes from the Film
“You are not a victim of your genetics—you are a victim of what you decide to put on your plate.”
“The risk associated with any animal protein – milk, dairy, eggs, and meat – is that it increases the cancer promoting growth hormone (Insulin Growth Factor 1) produced in response to animal protein.”
“An escalating global health crisis has emerged leading millions of people into a never-ending cycle of yo-yo dieting.”
“Red meat on average is 40% saturated fat, the leanest chicken breast is 30% saturated fat, and leanest wild-caught salmon is 20% saturated fat, and an egg is 20% saturated fat – so why would you want to consume this that only promotes heart disease, cancer and diabetes?”
“Animal protein itself is very bad for you, particularly from red meat – you are 75% more likely to die prematurely, you are 400-500% more likely to get heart disease, diabetes, prostate, breast, and colon cancer from red meat.”
“All plants have all the essential amino acids – so there is zero reason to eat meat.”
“All the anti-aging research shows low protein is the key, protein ages you.”
“Healthy food is remarkably inexpensive – fruit, veggies, kale, grains, lentils, beans, rice are all drop-dead cheap.”
“The people who eat the most saturated fat, particularly from dairy and cheese, have a 2 to 3 times risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease. People who eat bacon, cheese — their risk is tripled.”
“Researchers have proven the fact that eating cheese and dairy, triples your rate of getting Alzheimer’s disease.”
“Red meat kills, and processed red meat kills you faster. There’s very clear data that animal protein increases mortality of all varieties. Bypass surgeries, stents, implantable defibulators, pacemakers, heart failure therapies – cardiovascular disease is on the rise again.”
“Institutions and industry have so much control in this country over our diet, and the information that is disseminated in the media. It is all about not disrupting the food status quo that will hurt business and industry profits. It’s not about the truth or facts. It’s all about money.”
“If you ate a burger, fries and a Coke—you better go out and run 13 miles that day to lose those calories, but even if you burned off those calories that day—you are not reversing the deleterious effects of the bad food in the gut and causing an insulin spike, hardening of the arteries, the inflammation caused, and affecting your metabolism in a very bad way.”
“The dairy industry will sue trying to silence its critics, it’s called ‘food disparagement laws,’ but more and more, we are living with the ‘democratization of information’ – we just need to get the science into the hands of individuals.”
“It would bankrupt the hospitals if everyone got healthier. Keeping Americans unhealthy keeps all these industries and big corporations highly profitable. Many of these forces will try to kill you if you and anyone comes in between their profitability.”
“The government could be subsidizing much healthier foods, but then they would be hurting the industries they subsidize and are in bed with. Our government is complicit in causing the leading causes of death in the U.S.”
“Whole grains prevent heart disease, in study after study, they prevent cancer, they reduce the risk of cancer in people who have had cancer, they lower the risk of premature death, and prevent Type 2 diabetes. Plus, they are very anti-inflammatory. Just look at the healthiest cultures in the world.”
“If I (medical doctor) wanted to design the healthiest diet possible, the only four groups would be: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans. That’s it. It’s all you need for optimum health.”
“It’s now estimated by the year 2030, 42 percent of the American population will be obese and overweight.”
“It just happens to be vegan – is the absolute healthiest diet possible. But you have to eat well, no processed or packaged food. Eat whole food, eat 100% plant-based.”
“Junk food in the U.S. is often highly subsidized, making highly unhealthy food and meat cheaper and more available – but much worse for your health.”
“As a country, every decade of USDA statistics, Americans are eating more fat, more calories, more meat, more dairy—and a lot more. We’re not only eating more fat, we’re eating more of everything.”
“The chair is the new cigarette today. People are extremely sedentary.”
“Regarding supplements, people are getting fooled, it’s a total waste. It’s not going to fix the problem. Only diet will.”
“Stop thinking about the shortcut—start thinking about real health, not popping a few supplement pills.”
“Obesity is the canary in the coal mine, it starts well before the heart disease chronic diseases start – and over time, it catches up to you and it leads to our number #1 killer—heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, auto-immune diseases, it’s co-morbidity that are caused.”
“These diseases are all caused by the foods that Americans are eating.”
“In America, we are living in a very toxic food environment—highly palatable, highly processed foods keep us addicted, with a huge number of calories.”
“The Ketogenic or Paleo Diet – are very dangerous. Low carb diets are dangerous because from the outward perspective they seem good, but long-term health impacts will increase your risk for all-cause mortality. Ketogenic, Paleo diets – people on these diets die quicker, and die from all health causes sooner because they are high meat, saturated fat intense. I’m a doctor and I would NEVER recommend this diet to anyone.”
“Garbage in, garbage out.”
“You literally are what you eat.”
“What other species that ever walked the planet, and was morbidly overweight? Only humans.”
“You have to get your diet right first, before …. You Exercise.
“Exercise alone – you cannot lose weight and keep it off, it must be combined with diet and food habits.
“We have a huge database and numerous medical studies that show we do need to eat more vegetables, legumes and lentils, whole grains, and fruits.”
“American food companies manufacture processed foods that activates your pleasure center, but it’s all unhealthy food.”
“America is one of the sickest countries in the world because of dietary choices. Versus Blue Zone communities that eat a plant-based diet and live an average of 17+ years longer than the average Westerner.”
“Oil is pure fat—it is not whole food, and very unhealthy. Olive, coconut, safflower, sunflower seed oil—it’s nutritional nothingness and pure fat. If you eat fat, eat it in its whole form, a complete food– an avocado, nuts, etc.”
“What better thing to get radical about—if eating a plant-based diet is radical—than your health, taking care of yourself, taking care of the planet, and preventing animal cruelty? You have a purpose that goes beyond yourself. If you’re going to be fanatical about something—be fanatical about your diet that can save yourself, and the planet.”
“I’m a practicing cardiologist and never realized that eating a plant-based, whole foods diet prevented heart disease, and healed heart disease – so I started eating this way myself and now prescribe this to all of my patients.”
“These oils, whether they come from animals or oils, cause heart disease and strokes, both cause arteriosclerosis.”
“Most U.S. doctors are not trained in diet, nutrition and food.”
“How can you eat more, and lose weight? On a plant-based diet, low-calorie, high-density foods.”
“Saturated fat is horrible for you. It’s astounding people’s willingness to deceive themselves.”
“One thing we have been concerned about for decades, it’s the saturated fat in foods – the biggest source of saturated fat in food is dairy – cheese is the worst of all. Then meat is second.
Cheese causes saturated fat in your body, which causes your body to make more cholesterol. It’s very bad for your heart. But it also increases your risk of Alzheimer’s disease.”
“Do carbs make us fat? No, bad calories are the enemy.”
Film Crew
Film Director: Michal Siewierski
Writer: Michal Siewierski
Producers: Peter Eastwood, Nicky Taylor, Gwyn Whittaker
- John Mackey
- Dr. Armando Gonzolez
- Dr. Dean Ornish, M.D.
- Dr. Michael Greger, M.D.
- Marco Antonio
- Dr. Neal Barnard, M.D.
- Marco Regil
- Dr. Alona Pulde, M.D.
- Dr. Matthew Lederman, M.D.
- Dr. Peter C Gotzsch, M.D.
- Dr. Peter R. Breggin, M.D.
- Dr. Angie Sadeghi, M.D.
- Rich Roll
- Rip Esselstyn
- Dr. Kevin J. Fullin, M.D.
- Dr. Timothy Fior, M.D., D.HT.
- Julie Gardner, RD, LD
- Julieanna Hever, M.S., R.D., CPT
- Dr. Terry Mason, M.D.
- Cyrus Khambatta, PhD
- Dr. Kim Williams, M.D.
- Dr. Michelle McMAcken, M.D.
- Dr. Garth Davis, M.D.
- Dr. Mauricio Gonzalez, M.D.
- Dr. Ashwani Garg, M.D.
- Adam & Robert Sud